
The AttributeTypeOrValueAlreadyExists element MAY<6> be used in a SOAP fault to indicate that the client specified at least one combination of an identity attribute and identity attribute value(s) that was already present on the identity object targeted by the operation. In other words, the client attempted to add duplicate value(s) to an identity attribute.

 <xsd:element name="AttributeTypeOrValueAlreadyExists">
             <xsd:element ref="AttributeTypeAndValue"
                          minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

AttributeTypeAndValue: This element MAY<7> be present. If present, it MUST contain an AttributeType element and MAY contain an AttributeValue element. This element can be present multiple times if the client specified multiple duplicates of identity attributes and values.

AttributeTypeAndValue.AttributeType: This element contains the identity attribute type naming the identity attribute that would contain the duplicated value. The dialect used for the identity attribute type MUST be the same dialect as the client used in the SOAP request message.

AttributeTypeAndValue.AttributeValue: This element, if present, contains the identity attribute value(s) that would be duplicated.