Linker Tools Error LNK1309

type1 module detected; invalid with switch /CLRIMAGETYPE:type2

A CLR image type was requested with /CLRIMAGETYPE but the linker could not produce an image of that type because one or more modules were incompatible with that type.

For example, you will see LNK1309 if you specify /CLRIMAGETYPE:safe and you pass a module built with /clr:pure.

You will also see LNK1309 if you attempt to build a partially trusted CLR pure application using ptrustu[d].lib. For information on how to create a partially trusted application, see How to: Create a Partially Trusted Application by Removing Dependency on the CRT Library DLL.

For more information, see /clr (Common Language Runtime Compilation) and /CLRIMAGETYPE (Specify Type of CLR Image).