2.1.841 Part 4 Section, rdn (Revision Defined Name)

a.   The standard defines the @localSheetId without specifying a maximum value.

Office specifies the maximum value of @localSheetId to be 32767.

b.   The standard does not limit the length of the attribute customMenu.

Office specifies the maximum length of @customMenu shall be 32767.

c.   The standard does not limit the length of the oldCustomMenu attribute.

Office specifies the maximum length of @oldCustomMenu shall be 32767.

d.   The standard does not limit the length of the attribute description.

Office specifies the maximum length of @description to be 32767.

e.   The standard does not limit the length of the @oldDescription.

Office specifies a maximum length for @oldDescription is 32767.

f.   The standard does not limit the length of @help.

Office specifies the maximum length of @help shall be 32767.

g.   The standard does not limit the length of the oldHelp attribute.

Office specifies the maximum length of @oldHelp to be 32767.

h.   The standard does not limit the length of the statusBar attribute.

Office specifies the maximum length of @statusBar to be 32767.

i.   The standard does not limit the length of @oldStatusBar.

Office specifies the maximum length of @oldStatusBar to be 32767.

j.   The standard does not specify any restrictions on the formula in the formula element.

Excel specifies the formula element to be a Name formula, as defined in Formulas ("[ECMA-376] Part 4 §3.17; Formulas").

k.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the comment attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters.

l.   The standard states that the values of the name attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type.

In Office, the value of the name attribute shall be unique within the parent element collection and must match the definition of Defined Name in Formulas ("[ECMA-376] Part 4 §3.17; Formulas").

m.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the oldComment attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters.

n.   The standard states that the values of the rId attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 2147483647.