The HSL function transforms a color specified in the hue-saturation-luminance (HSL) color space into a color specified in the RGB color space. HSL component values are in the range 0 to 240, inclusive.


 HSL = val val val " HSL():128"

Required Arguments:

Name: Hue

Type: vUnsignedInt

An argument that specifies the hue component.

Name: Saturation

Type: vUnsignedInt

An argument that specifies the saturation component.

Name: Luminance

Type: vUnsignedInt

An argument that specifies the luminance component.

Return Value:

Type: PtgColorRGB

This function returns a PtgColorRGB containing the color value specified by Hue, Saturation and Luminance. If Hue is greater than 240, this function sets the value to 240 and performs the operation.