2.1 Export Data

The data export scenario describes export customer data from Microsoft SQL Server to a .dacpac file so that a vendor can consume it within the vendor's application. As shown in the following figure, a .dacpac file can be created by extracting SQL Server objects and then unzipped to XML parts. A vendor can consume the XML parts of a .dacpac file as a native XML format. In this case, the vendor is required to implement the methodology to consume the .dacpac file within the vendor's application.

As shown in the following figure, a .dacpac file consists of dacmetadata.xml, logicalobjectstream.xml, physicalobjectstream.xml. It can contain targetselection.xml and miscellaneous files, such as Transact-SQL scripts. Refer to [MS-DACPAC] for more detail of the file format structure.

Export data

Figure 2: Export data

This section provides a step-by-step description and references for exporting data to a .dacpac file and obtaining XML parts using APIs.