1.8 Vendor-Extensible Fields

The extensions specified in this document make use of vendor-extensible fields that are specified as part of [MS-MWBF] section 1.8. Specifically, the Query String Response Transfer Protocol specifies new message parameters as allowed by [WSFederation1.2] section 13.2.1, and the SAML 1.1 Assertion Extension specifies new elements in the SAML advice as allowed by [SAMLCore] section

The Query String Response Transfer Protocol does not introduce any vendor-extensible fields that are not present in [MS-MWBF] section 1.8.

The SAML 1.1 Assertion Extension introduces the ClaimSource (section element whose value is a URI that can be extended by vendors. Uniqueness of URIs is scheme-dependent. For more information, see [IANASCHEME] and [RFC4395].