2.4.3 Object Functions in JScript 5.8

The following two functions implement functionality similar to that of the like-named functions defined in the ECMAScript, 5th Edition Specification ([ECMA-262/5]). In the definition of these functions, the term "data property" means a normal ECMAScript 3rd Edition property as defined in [ECMA-262-1999] section 4.3.3. The term "accessor property" means a property that has two function objects associated with it, such that accessing the property using its object's [[Get]] and [[Put]] internal methods cause one of the functions to be implicitly invoked. The associated function that is invoked when the [[Get]] method is called is known as the "get" function of the accessor property. The value that the get function returns is used as the return value of the [[Get]] method. The associated function that is invoked when the [[Put]] method is called is known as the "set" function of the accessor property. The second argument of the [[Put]] method is passed as the argument to the set function.