Responding to a wsignin1.0 Request That Specifies a ttpindex

The IP/STS MUST construct a wsignin1.0 response for the relying party by using the following values as properly escaped query string parameters in the returned status URL, as specified in [WSFederation1.2] section 13.2.3.

  • ttpindex MUST be the same value of ttpindex as requested.

  • ttpsize MUST be the same length in characters as the pending result.

  • wctx MUST be the same value of wctx as requested.

  • wresult MUST contain a portion of the pending result, beginning at the character of index ttpindex (zero-based), and including as many characters as possible without exceeding the maximum query string response message length. Note that the maximum query string response message length applies after the escaping rules for URL query string parameters.

The IP/STS MUST transmit the message to the web browser requestor using HTTP 302 as specified in [WSFederation1.2] section 13.2.3.