
Constructs a COleDateTime object.

COleDateTime( ) throw( ); 
   const VARIANT& varSrc 
) throw( );
   DATE dtSrc 
) throw( );
   time_t timeSrc 
) throw( );
   __time64_t timeSrc 
) throw( );
   const SYSTEMTIME& systimeSrc 
) throw( );
   const FILETIME& filetimeSrc 
) throw( );
   int nYear,
   int nMonth,
   int nDay,
   int nHour,
   int nMin,
   int nSec 
) throw( );
   WORD wDosDate,
   WORD wDosTime 
) throw( );
   const DBTIMESTAMP& dbts
) throw();


  • dateSrc
    An existing COleDateTime object to be copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • varSrc
    An existing VARIANT data structure (possibly a COleVariant object) to be converted to a date/time value (VT_DATE) and copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • dtSrc
    A date/time (DATE) value to be copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • timeSrc
    A time_t or __time64_t value to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • systimeSrc
    A SYSTEMTIME structure to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • filetimeSrc
    A FILETIME structure to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime object. Note that FILETIME uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), so if you pass a local time in the structure, your results will be incorrect. See File Times in the Windows SDK for more information.

  • nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec
    Indicate the date and time values to be copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • wDosDate, wDosTime
    MS-DOS date and time values to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new COleDateTime object.

  • dbts
    A reference to a DBTimeStamp structure containing the current local time.


All these constructors create new COleDateTime objects initialized to the specified value. The following table shows valid ranges for each date and time component:

Date/time component

Valid range


100 – 9999


0 – 12


0 – 31


0 – 23


0 – 59


0 – 59

Note that the actual upper bound for the day component varies based on the month and year components. For details, see the SetDate or SetDateTime member functions.

Following is a brief description of each constructor:

  • COleDateTime( )   Constructs a COleDateTime object initialized to 0 (midnight, 30 December 1899).

  • COleDateTime( dateSrc )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from an existing COleDateTime object.

  • COleDateTime( varSrc )   Constructs a COleDateTime object. Attempts to convert a VARIANT structure or COleVariant object to a date/time (VT_DATE) value. If this conversion is successful, the converted value is copied into the new COleDateTime object. If it is not, the value of the COleDateTime object is set to 0 (midnight, 30 December 1899) and its status to invalid.

  • COleDateTime( dtSrc )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from a DATE value.

  • COleDateTime( timeSrc )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from a time_t value.

  • COleDateTime( systimeSrc )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from a SYSTEMTIME value.

  • COleDateTime( filetimeSrc )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from a FILETIME value. . Note that FILETIME uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), so if you pass a local time in the structure, your results will be incorrect. See File Times in the Windows SDK for more information.

  • COleDateTime( nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from the specified numerical values.

  • COleDateTime( wDosDate, wDosTime )   Constructs a COleDateTime object from the specified MS-DOS date and time values.

For more information on the time_t data type, see the time function in the Run-Time Library Reference.

For more information, see the SYSTEMTIME and FILETIME structures in the Windows SDK.

For more information about the bounds for COleDateTime values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support.


The constructor using DBTIMESTAMP parameter is only available when OLEDB.h is included.


time_t osBinaryTime;   // C run-time time (defined in <time.h>)
time(&osBinaryTime);   // Get the current time from the 
                     // operating system.

COleDateTime time1;   // initialized to 00:00am, 30 December 1899
                     // (and m_nStatus is valid!)

COleDateTime time2 = time1; // Copy constructor
COleDateTime time3(osBinaryTime);   // from time_t
COleDateTime time4(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999

SYSTEMTIME sysTime;   // Win32 time information

COleDateTime time5(sysTime);    


Header: atlcomtime.h

See Also


COleDateTime Class

Hierarchy Chart





COleDateTime::operator =



Other Resources

COleDateTime Members