
This type returns information about a user or group or an error condition that occurred while accessing the user or group data. Which value is chosen depends on the error that occurred. Error MUST be used when there is an access issue or an error other than TooManyItems. A sequence containing two URL elements and an Error element MUST be used for a TooManyItems error. ServerFailure MUST be used for unspecified protocol server errors. This type is defined as follows:

 <xs:complexType name="MemberData">
     <xs:element ref="tns:Error"/>
       <xs:element name="DefaultUrl" type="xs:string"/>
       <xs:element name="AlternateUrl" type="xs:string"/>
       <xs:element ref="tns:Error"/>
       <xs:element ref="tns:Member" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Member: An element describing a single user or group.

DefaultUrl: A URL to a page with an editable listing of the members of the Document Workspace. This URL MUST be returned when the TooManyItems error code is returned.

AlternateUrl: A URL to a page with an editable listing of the members of the Document Workspace. The protocol client can use this URL instead of the DefaultUrl. This URL MUST be returned when the TooManyItems error code is returned.

Error: An Error element containing an error that occurred during access. Possible error codes are listed in the following table.

Error code



The current user does not have access to this information.


The number of members exceeds an implementation-specific size.<2>


The protocol server encountered an unspecified error.