2.1.1850 Part 4 Section, oMath (Office Math)

a.   The standard allows adjacent oMath elements without any separation between them.

Word merges together adjacent oMath elements if they are not separated by a WordprocessingML br element.

b.   The standard allows nesting of oMath elements inside a math object argument or inside another oMath element.

Word fails to open a file with an oMath element inside a math object argument or inside another oMath element.

c.   The standard makes mention of display and inline math, but never defines the differences.

The layout of the math can be done in one of two different environments: display math and inline math. Display math is used for formulas that appear on their own line in a document. Inline math is used for formulas that appear in the middle of other non-math runs. The height of inline math should be kept to a minimum to ensure that the overall line height is not significantly increased. Display math should be encapsulated inside a math paragraph oMathPara, which can contain one or more display equations. Each equation in the math paragraph is contained inside an oMath element. Math paragraphs are used to specify how the display equations are aligned relative to the containing paragraph and relative to other equations. In addition, display equations within the same math paragraph can be aligned relative to each other at various points. Inline math should be contained inside an oMath element.

This note applies to the following products: 2007, 2007 SP1, 2007 SP2.

d.   The standard does not state that the customXml, fldSimple, hyperlink, smartTag, and sdt elements are valid children of the oMath element.

Word allows these elements to be children of the oMath element.

e.   The standard allows math content to exist outside of any oMath element.

Word will not open a file which contains math content outside of any oMath element.

f.   The standard allows oMath to occur outside of any p element.

Word will not open a file where oMath occurs outside of any p element.

g.   The standard states that the oMath element is allowed where block level content is required.

Word does not allow the oMath element to be a child of the body, comment, customXml (Block-Level Custom XML Element), customXml (Cell-Level Custom XML Element), customXml (Row-Level Custom XML Element), docPartBody, endnote, footnote, ftr, hdr, sdtContent (Block-Level Structured Document Tag Content),  sdtContent (Cell-Level Structured Document Tag Content), sdtContent (Row-Level Structured Document Tag Content), tbl, tc, tr, or txbxContent elements.