2.1.9 TAssociationSet

The TAssociationSet complex type annotates the AssociationSet element, as defined in [MC-CSDL] section 2.1.19. There is one association set for every relationship between two entity types (defined by EntityType elements). An association set provides a definition for grouping association instances so that they can be mapped to a data source.

The TAssociationSet complex type is defined in the schema as follows.

 <xs:complexType name="TAssociationSet">
   <xs:attribute name="State" type="bi:TState" />
   <xs:attribute name="Hidden" type="xs:boolean" default="false" />
   <xs:attribute name="CrossFilterDirection" type="bi:TCrossFilterDirection" />
   <xs:attribute name="Behavior" type="bi:TBehavior" />

The attributes that are defined by the TAssociationSet complex type are specified in the following table.




Indicates the state of an association set. The contents of this attribute are defined by the TState simple type (section Where multiple association sets connect two EntitySets, no more than one association set can be marked as active.


Indicates whether the association set is hidden from the client. If the value of this attribute is "true", the association set is hidden.


Indicates how selections on values from one end of an association affect the entity at the other end of the association. The contents of this attribute are defined by the TCrossFilterDirection simple type (section


Indicates whether the association is limited. The contents of this attribute are defined by the TBehavior simple type (section