The W32TIME_NTPCLIENT_PROVIDER_CONFIG_DATA structure contains configuration data about an NtpClient time provider.

The structure is defined to match the NtpClient time provider's configuration of the W32Time implementation. Fields in the structure that do not apply to other implementations SHOULD<10> have their corresponding configuration-setting type fields set to W32TIME_CONFIGURATION_SETTING_UNDEFINED.

 typedef struct {
   unsigned __int32 ulSize;
   unsigned __int32 ulAllowNonstandardModeCombinations;
   unsigned __int32 ulCrossSiteSyncFlags;
   unsigned __int32 ulResolvePeerBackoffMinutes;
   unsigned __int32 ulResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes;
   unsigned __int32 ulCompatibilityFlags;
   unsigned __int32 ulEventLogFlags;
   unsigned __int32 ulLargeSampleSkew;
   unsigned __int32 ulSpecialPollInterval;
   [string, unique] wchar_t* wszType;
   [string, unique] wchar_t* wszNtpServer;
   unsigned __int32 ulAllowNonstandardModeCombinationsFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulCrossSiteSyncFlagsFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulResolvePeerBackoffMinutesFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimesFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulCompatibilityFlagsFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulEventLogFlagsFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulLargeSampleSkewFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulSpecialPollIntervalFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulTypeFlag;
   unsigned __int32 ulNtpServerFlag;
   unsigned __int32 cEntries;
   [size_is(cEntries)] PW32TIME_ENTRY pEntries;

ulSize: The size, in bytes, of this structure.

ulAllowNonstandardModeCombinations: An integer that indicates whether mode combinations that would result in an error action as defined in [RFC1305] Table 5 (Modes and Actions) are allowed.




Indicates that mode combinations that would result in an error action are not allowed.


Indicates that mode combinations that would result in an error action are allowed.

All other values are reserved for future use.

ulCrossSiteSyncFlags: The CrossSiteSyncFlags element value (see section

ulResolvePeerBackoffMinutes: The ResolvePeerBackoffMinutes element value (see [MS-SNTP] section 3.1.1).

ulResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes: The ResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes element value (see [MS-SNTP] section 3.1.1).

ulCompatibilityFlags: The CompatibilityFlags element value (see section

ulEventLogFlags: The NTPEventLogFlags element value (see section

ulLargeSampleSkew: The LargeSampleSkew element value (see section

ulSpecialPollInterval: An integer that indicates a special poll interval, in seconds, for manual time synchronization.

wszType: A case-insensitive, null-terminated string that indicates the time synchronization behavior of the time service. The string MUST have one of the allowable values listed for the TimeSourceType Abstract Data Model variable described in [MS-SNTP] section 3.1.1.

wszNtpServer: A case-insensitive, null-terminated string that indicates a space-delimited list of time sources that the time service can synchronize with. Each time source MUST be in the following form.

 <Time Source>[,<Bitwise Flag>]

The "Time Source" MUST be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address.

The "Bitwise Flag", if included, MUST be a bitwise OR of zero or more of the following flags.





The time service uses the polling interval for this time source, as defined by the value of the ulSpecialPollInterval member.



The time service uses this time source only when all other time sources have failed.



The time service uses the symmetric active mode when communicating with this time source.



The time service uses the client mode when communicating with this time source.

Multiple time sources are delineated by a space. For two time sources, the following form would be used.

 <Time Source #1>,<Bitwise Flags #1> <Time Source #2>,<Bitwise Flags #2>

Note "Bitwise Flags #1" is applied to "Time Source #1", and "Bitwise Flags #2" is applied to "Time Source #2". Each time source listed MUST be unique. There are no uniqueness constraints on how many times a given "Bitwise Flag" can appear in a list of time sources.

ulAllowNonstandardModeCombinationsFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulAllowNonstandardModeCombinations, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulCrossSiteSyncFlagsFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulCrossSiteSyncFlags, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulResolvePeerBackoffMinutesFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulResolvePeerBackoffMinutes, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimesFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulCompatibilityFlagsFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulCompatibilityFlags, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulEventLogFlagsFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulEventLogFlags, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulLargeSampleSkewFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulLargeSampleSkew, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulSpecialPollIntervalFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for ulSpecialPollInterval, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulTypeFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for wszType, as specified in section 2.2.6.

ulNtpServerFlag: An integer that indicates the source of the configuration setting for wszNtpServer, as specified in section 2.2.6.

cEntries: An integer that indicates the number of additional configuration entries in pEntries.

pEntries: A pointer to W32TIME_ENTRY structures that represent additional configuration entries.