FAX_EnableRoutingMethod (Opnum 14)

The FAX_EnableRoutingMethod (Opnum 14) method is called by the client for a specified fax device (port).

The user is expected to set the proper configuration settings on the client before enabling any routing method. For example, in order to enable email, the user SHOULD specify the proper SMTP details, and the client SHOULD then call the FAX_SetReceiptsConfiguration (section method, with the bIsToUseForMSRouteThroughEmailMethod value in the pReceipts parameter set to true. Also, the user can ensure that the proper routing method destinations, such as EmailID, Printer, and Folder values, have been specified. The client can use the FAX_SetExtensionData (section method to set the EmailID, Printer, and Folder once the user has entered the proper values.

On success, the server MUST enable or disable a fax routing method for a specific fax device. The server MUST validate that the client's fax user account has access to enable or disable routing methods. The RoutingGUID parameter MUST be for a valid routing method.

 error_status_t FAX_EnableRoutingMethod(
   [in] RPC_FAX_PORT_HANDLE FaxPortHandle,
   [in, string, unique] LPCWSTR RoutingGuid,
   [in] BOOL Enabled

FaxPortHandle: An RPC context handle that references a specified fax port. This parameter MUST NOT be NULL.

RoutingGuid: A curly-braced GUID string that MUST specify the GUID that uniquely identifies the fax routing method upon which to act. For more information about routing methods, see [MSDN-FRM]. The routing methods and the associated curly-braced GUID string values that can be used for this parameter are discoverable by calling FAX_EnumRoutingMethods (section Included in this list are the default routing methods described in section 2.2.87.

Enabled: A Boolean variable that indicates whether the application is enabling or disabling the fax routing method that is specified by the RoutingGuid. If this parameter is TRUE, the application is requesting that the server enable the routing method; if this parameter is FALSE, the application is requesting that the server disable the routing method.

Return Values: This method MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) for success; otherwise, it MUST return one of the following error codes, one of the fax-specific errors that are defined in section 2.2.52, or one of the other standard errors defined in [MS-ERREF] section 2.2.

Return value/code




Access is denied. The client's fax user account does not have the FAX_ACCESS_MANAGE_CONFIG access right.



The data is invalid. The GUID specified by the RoutingGuid parameter is not a routing method GUID.



The parameter is incorrect. This is returned when RoutingGuid is set to NULL.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown except those that are thrown by the underlying RPC protocol, [MS-RPCE].