2.2.6 AutoSelectionMode

The AutoSelectionMode enumeration defines values describing the recommendation for whether an update is automatically selected in a user interface (UI).

 typedef  enum tagAutoSelectionMode
   asLetWindowsUpdateDecide = 0,
   asAutoSelectIfDownloaded = 1,
   asNeverAutoSelect = 2,
   asAlwaysAutoSelect = 3,
 } AutoSelectionMode;

asLetWindowsUpdateDecide:  The update service recommends that a user interface implementation SHOULD decide whether to automatically select the update. This decision is implementation-specific and can involve other properties of the update and/or the administrator's configuration of the user interface. <2>

asAutoSelectIfDownloaded:  The update service recommends that a user interface implementation SHOULD automatically select the update if the update is already downloaded.

asNeverAutoSelect:  The update service recommends that a user interface implementation SHOULD NOT automatically select the update.

asAlwaysAutoSelect:  The update service recommends that a user interface implementation SHOULD automatically select the update.