2.63 SelectedPath

The SelectedPath element specifies the XML that specifies the path from the selected item or items to the target drillthrough entity.

The SelectedPath element is optional. If this element is present, it MAY contain zero or more child SelectedPath.RolePathItem elements. If the SelectedPath element is not present, its value is interpreted as the longest subpath from the base entity of the query that is shared by all DrillthroughContext.SelectedItems elements.

The following are the parent and child elements of the SelectedPath element.

Parent elements


Child elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the SelectedPath element.

 <xsd:complexType name="SelectedPathType">
   <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
     <xsd:element name="RolePathItem" type="RolePathItemType" />