MSDN Flash - Volume 14, Number 15: July 19, 2010

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Problems and Solutions with Model-View-ViewModel

When is the MVVM design pattern applicable to RIA and desktop apps? When is it unnecessary?

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WS-* Interoperability State of the Art

This new page on MSDN will be the one place you can go to learn about web services interop. See test results between .NET and Java, read how-tos and more.

Your Featured Content

Dynamic Properties and OOP in JavaScript
Learn about properties for single instances vs. properties that exist for all instances of a class, method encapsulation, private methods, and more.

The Performance of Arrays
Here's a neat trick you might try to get some performance back.

Entity Framework: GUID Performance Impact
There are ways to make server-generated GUIDs as fast as client-side ones.

F#: from Explorative to .NET Component
Learn about the tools, syntax, some current commercial users, and the physical structure of F# projects used in client applications.

Web Dev Newbies: Enter the WebMatrix
A task-focused tool designed to minimize the number of concepts to learn in order to get simple things done.

WPF/Silverlight Layouts for WinForm Devs
Here are some form layout techniques to help Windows Forms developers make the transition to Silverlight.

MS Threat Modeling Tool Boosts Security
Identify and analyze security threats to your software even when you are still in the design phase.

Silverlight for Symbian-based Phones
Use your Silverlight skills to build awesome applications for one of the world's most popular mobile operating systems.

Move Your ASP.NET Apps to the Cloud
Microsoft patterns & practices released its first volume in a planned series about Windows Azure architecture guidance.

C++: Intro to the STL
This first part assumes familiarity with C++, but begins with the Standard Template Library from scratch.

Open XML Package Editor Power Tool for Visual Studio 2010
This add-in provides an easy way to parse and edit Open Packaging Convention files, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model
Overviews, guidelines, and programming tasks for .NET managed code, Silverlight, and ECMAScript.