Start Coding with Microsoft

We wanted to let you know that we're releasing a new "Home & Hub" experience to MSDN.

Based on your feedback, developer research, and other customer data, we are driving towards general improvement of MSDN for anyone learning Microsoft technologies. Broadly, better organization, search, and curriculum-based learning are essential to supporting developer success. In this first release of the new MSDN Home & Hub pages, we are specifically focusing on building better developer on-ramps for each platform with several important realizations in mind.

  • Microsoft offers too many choices and making the right choice is daunting. Wherever possible, the new MSDN will simplify the process of making the right choice for our customers.
  • Fundamentally, the nature of development is shifting. Many developers are learning to code by editing, debugging, and modifying code. The new treatment for the MSDN sites will embrace both this iterative learning style and other styles so that we can support the broadest set of developers.
  • Developers have told us that they want more samples, more code, and more working applications that they can learn from or use in their own projects.

MSDN Home Page

On the new MSDN home page, you will find starting points for our core development platforms: desktop, web, cloud, phone. Below these entry points, you’ll find our features and headlines, as well as MSDN subscription information. We’re also providing a set of links to help you easily navigate to core MSDN destinations. To see a larger view of the home page, click the image.

MSDN Hub Page

Hub pages are technology-specific onramps designed to get you rapidly up-to-speed on desktop, web, cloud, and phone. They are formatted to provide a step-by-step overview with links to videos and deeper content. To see a larger view of the hub page, click the image.

Let us know what you think! Send us your feedback.