Ribbon - MFC

Version: 1.0.0


This lab is intended for MFC developers who are developing desktop applications and want to take advantage of the new MFC Ribbon framework. The lab steps you through how to add a default Ribbon to a small application, edit various Ribbon controls in Ribbon Designer, and then use the controls at run time. You will learn how easily MFC Ribbon framework allows you to edit and use Ribbon controls. When you are finished, you will have performed all the steps necessary to add and customize a basic Ribbon in an application.
The lab requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 (or higher)


  1. Overview
  2. Exercise 1: Creating a default Ribbon in an application
  3. Exercise 2: Adding simple controls to an existing Ribbon
  4. Exercise 3: Adding and using more controls to an existing Ribbon
  5. Summary