CustomTaskPane.VisibleStateChange event (Office)

Occurs when the user changes the visibility of the custom task pane.


expression.VisibleStateChange (CustomTaskPaneInst)

expression An expression that returns a CustomTaskPane object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
CustomTaskPaneInst Required CustomTaskPane The active task pane.


The following example, written in C#, creates a custom task pane and adds an ActiveX button control created in another project. A VisibleStateChange event of type _CustomTaskPaneEvents_VisibleStateChangeEventHandler is defined in the procedure. When the event is triggered, the event handler displays a message box depending on whether the task pane is currently visible or hidden.

object missing = Type.Missing; 
public CustomTaskPane CTP = null; 
public void CTPFactoryAvailable(ICTPFactory CTPFactoryInst) 
 CTP = CTPFactoryInst.CreateCTP("SampleActiveX.myControl", "Task Pane Example", missing); 
 sampleAX = (myControl)CTP.ContentControl; 
 sampleAX.InsertTextClicked += new InsertTextEventHandler(sampleAX_InsertTextClicked); 
 CTP.Visible = true; 
 CTP.VisibleStateChange += new _CustomTaskPaneEvents_VisibleStateChangeEventHandler(CTP_VisibleStateChange); 
private void CTP_VisibleStateChange(object sender, string visiblestateArgs) 
 if (CTP.Visible) 
 Console.WriteLine("The custom task pane is now visible"); 
 Console.WriteLine("The custom task pane has been hidden"); 


You can create custom task panes in any language that supports COM and allows you to create dynamic-linked library (DLL) files; for example, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++, Visual C++ .NET, and Visual C#. However, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) does not support creating custom task panes.

See also

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