Using the Excel Services ECMAScript Object Model Lab

Version: 3.0.0


In this Hands-On Lab you will learn how to use the Excel Services ECMAScript Object Model to automate and interact with an Excel Web Access web part.


In this Hands-On Lab you will learn how to use the Excel Services ECMAScript Object Model to automate and interact with an Excel Web Access web part.


The objective of this Hands-On Lab is to provide you with a foundation for using the ECMAScript Object Model to automate and interact with an Excel Web Access (EWA) web part programmatically. In particular, you will

  • Experiment with the Excel Services ECMAScript object model
  • Develop debugging skills to diagnose and resolve development issues
  • Learn how to deploy your scripts and setup web part pages that consume the scripts

System Requirements

The steps in this Hands-On Lab require the following:


This Hands-On Lab assumes that the Hands-On Lab files are located in a folder at %Office2010DeveloperTrainingKitPath%\Labs\ExcelJSOM


This Hands-On Lab comprises the following exercises:

  1. Experimenting with the ECMASript object model
  2. Deploying and debugging an Excel Services ECMAScript
  3. Adding Navigation capabilities to a workbook using the Excel Services ECMAScript object model

Estimated time to complete this lab: 60 minutes.

Starting Materials

This Hands-On Lab includes the following starting materials.

  • Fabrikam_Reporting.xlsm – This is used as an example in exercise 3.
  • FabriKamReporting.txt – This is used as an example in exercise 3.