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Visual Basic: MSChart Control

UpdateFlags Constants

See Also

The UpdateFlags constants listed below can be used in various events to determine what part of the chart is being updated.

Constant Value Description
VtChNoDisplay 0 Absence of update flags; the chart display is not affected.
VtChDisplayPlot 1 Update will cause the plot to repaint.
VtChLayoutPlot 2 Update will cause the plot to layout.
VtChDisplayLegend 4 Update will cause the legend to repaint.
VtChLayoutLegend 8 Update will cause the legend to layout.
VtChLayoutSeries 16 Update will cause the series to lay out.
VtChPositionSection 32 A chart section has been moved or resized.


The constants can be used in the following events:

AxisLabelUpdated Event

AxisTitleUpdated Event


ChartUpdated Event

DataUpdated Event

FootnoteUpdated Event

LegendUpdated Event

PlotUpdated Event

PointLabelUpdated Event

PointUpdated Event

SeriesUpdated Event

TitleUpdated Event