MSDN Flash - Volume 20, Number 19: September 6, 2016

Top News Worldwide

Game-Changing Features in ECMAScript 2015

Wondering where to start as you develop for the web?

Introduction to React – Build reactive UI

Command-Line Processing with .NET Core 1.0

Feature Slices for ASP.NET Core MVC
The latest article in the MSDN Magazine series on ASP.NET Core dives into Feature Slices, and how the new functionality gives developers a way to organize ASP.NET Core MVC projects by feature, rather than by models, views, and controllers.

Testing in Visual Studio 2015, for experts and beginners
If you work with C# or C++ and want to improve your tests, watch this course. Explore features rather than theories, and learn how to use the automated and manual tools in Visual Studio 2015 and Microsoft Test Manager 2015.

Programming with Python for Data Science
If you know the basics of Python, learn to apply efficient, well-known mining models to discover useful intelligence. Python is a very popular language for data scientists, and this course covers data visualization, feature importance and selection, dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification and more.

Build virtual reality applications in Unity
Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VAMR) development is taking off, as capable devices and platforms mature. Tim Kulp shows how to work with connected services, build a UI with dimensionality and interaction, and organize code components for troubleshooting.

The Source of Truth: The Role of Repositories in DevOps
Free your mind. Source control provides automation that empowers DevOps and liberates developers from a raft of tedious activities. Learn more about source control repositories and the foundational role they play in an automated release pipeline.

C++14/17 Features and STL Fixes in Visual Studio “15” Preview 4
All of the features and fixes in VS 2015 Update 3 are also available in VS “15” Preview 4. Going forward, VS 2015 and VS “15” will have the same major compiler version (19) and their STLs will be binary-compatible.

More ASP.NET Core courses from Code School
Learn how to build easy-to-maintain web applications with the MVC design pattern and ASP.NET Core with these courses from Code School.

Announcing Azure App Service MySQL in-app (preview)
MySQL in-app enables developers to run the MySQL server side-by-side with their web application within the same environment, which makes it easier to develop and test PHP applications that use MySQL. We’ve made it very easy to get started.

Open Cloud Series: Kickstart your DevOps journey
September 21, 2016, 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time, or on demand
Bitnami and Microsoft experts show how you can combine open source DevOps applications such as Eclipse Che, Jenkins, GitLab and Redmine from the Azure Marketplace to make a full-featured DevOps suite that is easy to deploy and start using via Bitnami templates.

Range-v3 on MSVC is available on GitHub
We are delighted to announce that the Visual C++ team just published on GitHub the first implementation of the range-v3 TS running in MSVC. This contribution comes hot on the heels of our recent work to improve expression SFINAE on our Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 VC++ compiler.

What’s New in C# 7.0
C# 7.0 brings a focus on data consumption, code simplification, and performance. Perhaps the biggest features are tuples, which make it easy to have multiple results, and pattern matching, which simplifies code that is conditional on the shape of data. But there are many others.

Using Temporal in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database
Temporal in SQL Server is designed to simplify the handling of time-varying data. It provides the ability to look at data trends, types of data changes, and the overall data evolution within your database.


Emerging Tech Virtual Summit
September 13, 2016, 9:00 A.M.–Noon Pacific Time, online
Join our special event dedicated to exploring how emerging technologies are changing the world. You’ll hear leading researchers on AI, machine learning, IoT, new interfaces, and more.

Get hands-on with big data
September 26–27, 2016, Atlanta, GA
Join us at the new Microsoft Data Science Summit – a two-day intensive event for data scientists, big data engineers, machine learning specialists, and IT pros. Get hands-on with real-world challenges, build connections, and go deep into the disruptive technologies that can give your business insights and competitive advantages.

Register for DEVintersection today
October 25–28, MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV
Tools and technologies are intersecting; the SQLintersection conference is co-located with the DEVintersection and SharePointintersection conferences, so you can also take in sessions on Windows Azure, SharePoint, Visual Studio and ASP.NET. All paid attendees can cross over and attend sessions in any track for free.


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Microsoft Virtual Academy – new training

Testing tools for web developers

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