MSDN Flash - Volume 14, Number 18: August 30, 2010

Top Stories

Creating Effective Semantic Markup 

How can you make your HTML easier to update, get higher SEO rankings, and offer better accessibility? More on HTML

Integrating WPF in Windows Forms in Visual Studio 2010 

How can you take advantage of new technologies in existing apps? Windows Forms and WPF for Beginners

SQL Server Performance Tuning 

Suddenly, you have to find out what the server's doing, how it was set up, and whether things are working correctly. More on Data for Devs

Your Featured Content

Windows 7 with C++ by Example
We are back with Hilo Annotator, an application for basic image editing using Windows Imaging Component (WIC), Animation Manager, and Direct2D.

CodePlex: HTML5 Helpers for ASP.NET MVC
This rich set of lightweight controls allows you to build websites harnessing the power of HTML5.ASP.NET MVC for Web Forms Devs

Blocking Collection and the Producer-Consumer Problem
When you design parallel applications, you often need thread-safe storage as well as some mechanism for sending messages between tasks.Parallelism

Working with VBA in Office 2010 (32-bit) and Office 2010 (64-bit)
There are considerations when moving your 32-bit applications to or creating solutions for the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office. Getting Started with VBA

Ensuring Your WPF Applications Are Accessible
WPF has made a lot of progress on the accessibility front. However, you cannot rely on platform and tools alone to cover accessibility mandates.

Windows Azure One-Month Pass USA
The Windows Azure One-Month Pass lets you put Windows Azure and SQL Azure through their paces. No credit card required.

C++: Standard Template Library - Part III
In this third video, Stephan T. Lavavej (STL to his friends) focuses onshared_ptr andunique_ptr. You will also learn a bit about exception safety.

VB: Programming the Windows 7 Task Bar
VB MVP Alessandro Del Sole shows you how to take advantage of the new features of the Windows 7 Task Bar using the latest version of WPF.

F# Compiler and Standalone Tools Updated
This release enables .NET 4.0 development with the MSI and ZIP releases of F# 2.0. This is especially useful for Mono-based .NET developers. More on F#

E-book Preview: Petzold'sProgramming Windows Phone 7
Charles Petzold  will release a free book,Programming Windows Phone 7, by PDC10 (October 28). Here's an 11-chapter draft preview.

Creating a Windows Phone 7 App? Check out Microsoft Platform Ready
Windows Phone 7 has been added to Microsoft Platform Ready! This program includes resources to help you take your Windows Phone 7 app to market faster.

Dynamic Objects in Visual Basic
Dynamic objects enable you to create objects to work with structures that do not match a static type or format. Early and Late Binding

Windows Phone UX Sessions for Designers
Learn about the Metro UI language, animations, panoramas, perceived performance, globalization, and more. New to Windows Phone Design?

Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta: The Simplest Way To Build Business Applications
LightSwitch applications are built on top of technologies like MVVM, RIA Services, and Entity Framework, but you don't even need to learn those to use it!

Loading JavaScript Resources the Fun Way
Many developers are hoping for easier, faster, and more maintainable patterns for JS resource dependency management. More on Scripting

SQL Azure: The Real Cost of Indexes
A few transact-SQL queries can determine the cost of your covered indexes. More on SQL Azure Cloud DB

C++: Writing STL-Based Iterators
A common question is "How do I write an STL iterator?" It's not especially difficult - it just requires some care.Video Intro to STL

Introducing Microsoft Ribbon for WPF
This managed implementation of the Ribbon is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task.

A Developer's Guide to Service Bus for the Windows Azure AppFabric
This white paper shows developers how to use the Service Bus to provide a secure, standards-based messaging fabric to connect applications across the Internet. Intro to Windows Azure AppFabric

F# and Windows Phone 7
community contributorhas added an F# Windows Phone 7 template to the Visual Studio Gallery. More on F#

Looking for App Ideas to Compliment Your Coding Skills?
Visit Mobile App Match - join the discussion, connect with end users, and build a killer app for Windows Phone 7.