MSDN Flash - Volume 18, Number 21: October 22, 2014

Top Stories

Free Ebook - Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms (Preview Edition) by Charles Petzold
Xamarin.Forms lets you write shared user-interface code in C# and XAML (the eXtensible Application Markup Language) that maps to native controls on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

Reuse Code Assets with Universal Windows Apps
Joel Reyes explores the universal app capabilities built into Visual Studio 2013, including templates, language, API and compiler support, and considers strategies for sharing code across apps, as well as best approaches for updating disparate apps into a universal Windows version.

Connect Your IoT Device to the Cloud
In this next installment of the Internet of Things (IoT) project, we take the connected SmartDoor and Raspberry Pi, and develop policies to manage the message and photo traffic with service bus and message bus queueing.

Your Featured Content

Modern Apps: Use SignalR to Build Modern Apps
SignalR is a set of server and client libraries that lets you develop apps with dynamic, real-time, two-way communication. Rachel Appel shows how to take advantage of SignalR when building Windows apps.

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Introducing Azure Media Services – Uploading File Content to Azure Media Service
Technical Evangelist Paul DeCarlo takes Azure Media Services, which is currently in Preview in the Microsoft Azure Portal, for a test spin. Paul demos how to upload file content, and then make a highly-scalable, publicly distributed link to that content.

October 23: Last Stop: Getting Your Windows App to Market
Are you almost ready to submit that app? Developers, get your Windows Store apps to market, and learn about a new pilot program that combines a free technical review from Microsoft Premier Field Engineering (PFE) with credit toward your MCSD: Windows Store Apps certification.

Code Chat: The Internet of Things
Technical Evangelist Jeremy Foster and Bret Stateham talk about the Internet of Things (IOT). Learn how to get started developing and see the devices that Bret has been playing with: Arduino, Galileo, Teensy, Bluetooth car, and more. Get the tools you need to start developing.

October 23: Universal Apps: Building for Phone and Tablet with One Code Base
The Visual Studio Flashcast series is designed to help you learn about Microsoft developer platform tools, including Visual Studio, SQL Server, web technologies, mobile, and cloud. The goal is to get you training and content you can use to accelerate your path into mobile and cloud.

Apache Cordova Gains Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 support
Building on the latest version of Apache Cordova 3.6.x, Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. has contributed to Cordova Core to support Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1. This version update is now available on GitHub and provides a universal app model for both phone and desktop apps.

Building a Windows Phone Controlled Arduino Robot – Part 1
Technical Evangelist Joshua Drew shares how he built a universal app that communicates with an Arduino robot via Bluetooth to perform a little trivia game. Get the tools to start developing your own Windows Phone app.

October 29: Introduction to jQuery
Spend the day with MVA for another exciting Web Wednesday. Find out how this JavaScript library makes DOM manipulation and event handling easier. Examine AJAX, asynchrony, and effects. Plus, get practical guidance on when to use jQuery and when to combine it with other libraries.

CodeChat: Xamarin Robotics
Frank Krueger isn't just using the Xamarin Robotics library for controlling his little homemade robot, he's writing it. He gives us a formal introduction to his slick little critter and tells all about the hardware and software he used to make it go. It's the same hardware and software that you can use on your own project. Get the tools you need to start developing.

October 29: Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Jump Start
Efficiently embed predictive analytics in your big data solutions and explore best practices for analyzing trends and patterns. Extend Azure ML using the Azure ML API services, and look at scenarios and methods for monetizing your ML application with Azure Marketplace.