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Implementing a Logging Plug-in

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Implementing a Logging Plug-in

To retrieve client log information from the server, you must implement the OnEvent method on the IWMSEventNotificationPlugin interface and retrieve the WMS_COMMAND_CONTEXT_BODY value from the command context. WMS_COMMAND_CONTEXT_BODY contains a pointer to a buffer that contains the log information in XML format as illustrated below. For more information about the format, see Log Data Format.


The following example code illustrates how to retrieve the W3C information from the <Summary> tag.

C# Example

static readonly string strSummaryOpenTag = "<Summary>";
static readonly string strSummaryCloseTag = "</Summary>";

public virtual void OnEvent(
                            ref WMS_EVENT Event, 
                            IWMSContext UserCtx,
                            IWMSContext PresentationCtx,
                            IWMSCommandContext CommandCtx )
        IWMSContext CommandRequest;
        CommandCtx.GetCommandRequest(out CommandRequest);

        ContextNames cName = new ContextNames();
        object CacheProxyServer;
                                out CacheProxyServer,

        object ContextBody;
                                        out ContextBody,
                                        0 );

        INSSBuffer NsBuffer = ContextBody as INSSBuffer;
        if( null == NsBuffer)

        string strContext = GetStringFromNSSBuffer( NsBuffer );

        // Find the beginning of the summary open tag.
        int iBegin = strContext.IndexOf( strSummaryOpenTag );
        if( -1 == iBegin )
        iBegin += strSummaryOpenTag.Length ;

        // Find the end of the summary tag.
        int iEnd = strContext.IndexOf( strSummaryCloseTag );
        if( -1 == iEnd )

        if( iEnd > iBegin )
            string strSummary = strContext.Substring( iBegin, iEnd - iBegin );

            // The LogToDB function must be defined by you, 
            // depending on what you want to do with the log data.
            LogToDb( strSummary );
        // TODO: Add exception handling code.

string GetStringFromNSSBuffer( INSSBuffer NsBuffer )
    uint bufSize;
    IntPtr[] BufArr = { new IntPtr() };
    IntPtr pBuf = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement( BufArr, 0 );
    NsBuffer.GetBufferAndLength( pBuf, out bufSize );
    string s = Marshal.PtrToStringUni( BufArr[0], (int) bufSize / 2 );
    return s;

See Also

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