MSFT_SIPGlobalPolicyXMLData class

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation


Represents the XML-formatted equivalent of MSFT_SIPGlobalMeetingPolicyData.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order.

class MSFT_SIPGlobalPolicyXMLData
  string ContentXML;
  boolean DefaultPolicy;
  [key] string InstanceID;
  string PolicyDN;
  string Type;


This class does not define any methods.


The MSFT_SIPGlobalPolicyXMLData class has the following properties.

  • ContentXML
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. The XML representation of the global meeting policy.

    The value of this property is not case-sensitive.

  • DefaultPolicy
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates whether this is the default policy to apply to users.

  • InstanceID
    Data type: [key] string

    Access type: Read-only

    Required. A GUID value that uniquely identifies an instance of this class.

    The GUID must be encapsulated between the "{" and "}" braces; for example: "{01234567-0123-4567-89AB-CDEF01234567}".

  • PolicyDN
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read-only

    Required. The distinguished name of the policy.

    The value of this property is not case-sensitive.

  • Type
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Indicates the policy type.

    The value of this property is case-sensitive. The only acceptable value is meeting.

    Value Description
    "meeting" The policy is a meeting policy.


This class gets and sets information at the following level(s): AD.

Instances of this class support the following interface methods:

  • Provider::EnumerateInstances();
  • Provider::GetObject();
  • Provider::PutInstance();


Server: Installed on computers serving the following role(s): Administrative Tools Server, Audio/Video Conferencing Server, Front End Server, Proxy Server, Web Components Server, Web Conferencing Server.
Namespace: Defined in \root\cimv2.

See Also

Communications Server WMI Reference

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