Selection.LayoutChangeDirection method (Visio)

Revises the layout of a selection of connected shapes by rotating or flipping the connected shapes as a unit, without rotating or flipping the individual shapes.


expression. LayoutChangeDirection( _Direction_ )

expression A variable that represents a Selection object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Direction Required VisLayoutDirection The layout action to take. See Remarks for possible values.

Return value



The Direction parameter must be one of the following VisLayoutDirection constants.

Constant Value Description
visLayoutDirRotateRight 0 Rotates the selection 90 degrees clockwise.
visLayoutDirRotateLeft 1 Rotates the selection 90 degrees counterclockwise.
visLayoutDirFlipVert 2 Flips the selection vertically.
visLayoutDirFlipHorz 3 Flips the selection horizontally.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the LayoutChangeDirection method to flip a selection of connected shapes vertically, without flipping the individual shapes.

Public Sub SelectionLayoutChangeDirection_Example()
  Dim vsoSelection As Visio.Selection 
  Set vsoSelection = ActiveWindow.Selection 
  vsoSelection.LayoutChangeDirection (visLayoutDirFlipVert) 
End Sub

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