Connect your app to


Save, open, search, and share files from OneDrive in your Windows, web, or mobile app

Get started

Web Picker

image of Web Picker

Let users pick files using the OneDrive UI with a few lines of code in your web app.

Get started

Apps Showcase

OneDrive apps showcase

See our favorite apps that have integrated with OneDrive.

Visit the showcase

Tools and code

SDK downloads

Code samples on GitHub

Interactive SDK

Tutorials and help

The Developer's Guide to the SkyDrive API (Build 2012 video)

Codecademy course

OneDrive API documentation

Support forums


Introducing OneDrive for Business

OneDrive is now available worldwide

OneDrive for everything in your life

Announcing new SDKs for SkyDrive, plus IFTTT, DocuSign, and SoundGecko integrations connecting SkyDrive with Gmail and tips for other SkyDrive developers