How to: Create an Expression Column (Visual Basic) 

This example creates a DataColumn object and sets the DataColumn.Expression property to calculate the order total (without the discount!).


Private Sub CreateExpressionColumn()

    Dim orderTotal As New DataColumn()
    orderTotal.ColumnName = "OrderTotal"
    orderTotal.DataType = GetType(Double)

    orderTotal.Expression = "UnitPrice * Quantity"

End Sub

Compiling the Code

This example requires:

  • A project reference to

  • Access to the members of the System.Data namespace. Add an Imports statement if you are not fully qualifying member names in your code. For more information, see Imports Statement.

  • An instance of a typed dataset named dsNorthwind1.

  • The OrderDetails table in the dsNorthwind1 dataset.

Robust Programming

The following conditions may cause an exception:

See Also


DataColumn.DataType Property


Creating Expression Columns
Adding Columns to a Table

Other Resources

Accessing Data (Visual Studio)
Preparing Your Application to Receive Data
Editing Data in Your Application