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System.Web.Http Namespace


The System.Web.Http namespace contains classes of HTTP attributes.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AcceptVerbsAttribute

Represents an attribute that specifies which HTTP methods an action method will respond to.

System_CAPS_pubclass ActionNameAttribute

Represents an attribute that is used for the name of an action.

System_CAPS_pubclass AllowAnonymousAttribute

Specifies that actions and controllers are skipped by AuthorizeAttribute during authorization.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApiController

Defines properties and methods for API controller.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthorizeAttribute

Specifies the authorization filter that verifies the request's IPrincipal.

System_CAPS_pubclass CorsHttpConfigurationExtensions

CORS-related extension methods for HttpConfiguration.

System_CAPS_pubclass FromBodyAttribute

An attribute that specifies that an action parameter comes only from the entity body of the incoming HttpRequestMessage.

System_CAPS_pubclass FromUriAttribute

An attribute that specifies that an action parameter comes from the URI of the incoming HttpRequestMessage.

System_CAPS_pubclass GlobalConfiguration

Provides a global HttpConfiguration for ASP.NET applications.

System_CAPS_pubclass HostAuthenticationAttribute

Represents an authentication attribute that authenticates via OWIN middleware.

System_CAPS_pubclass HostAuthenticationFilter

Represents an authentication filter that authenticates via OWIN middleware.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpBindNeverAttribute

Represents attributes that specifies that HTTP binding should exclude a property.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpBindRequiredAttribute

Represents the required attribute for http binding.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpConfiguration

Represents a configuration of HttpServer instances.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpConfigurationExtensions

Contains extension methods for the HttpConfiguration class.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpDeleteAttribute

Specifies that an action supports the DELETE HTTP method.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpError

Defines a serializable container for storing error information. This information is stored as key/value pairs. The dictionary keys to look up standard error information are available on the HttpErrorKeys type.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpErrorKeys

Provides keys to look up error information stored in the HttpError dictionary.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpGetAttribute

Specifies that an action supports the GET HTTP method.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpHeadAttribute

Specifies that an action supports the HEAD HTTP method.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpOptionsAttribute

Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an HTTP method so that the method handles only HTTP OPTIONS requests.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpPatchAttribute

Specifies that an action supports the PATCH HTTP method.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpPostAttribute

Specifies that an action supports the POST HTTP method.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpPutAttribute

Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an HTTP method so that the method handles only HTTP PUT requests.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpResponseException

An exception that allows for a given HttpResponseMessage to be returned to the client.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRouteCollection

A collection of IHttpRoute instances.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRouteCollectionExtensions

Extension methods for HttpRouteCollection

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpServer

Defines an implementation of an HttpMessageHandler which dispatches an incoming HttpRequestMessage and creates an HttpResponseMessage as a result.

System_CAPS_pubclass NonActionAttribute

Represents an attribute that is used to indicate that a controller method is not an action method.

System_CAPS_pubclass ODataHttpConfigurationExtensions

Provides extension methods for the HttpConfiguration class.

System_CAPS_pubclass ODataHttpErrorExtensions

Provides extension methods for the HttpError class.

System_CAPS_pubclass ODataHttpRouteCollectionExtensions

Provides extension methods for the HttpRouteCollection class.

System_CAPS_pubclass ODataMediaTypeFormatterCollectionExtensions

Provides extension methods for the MediaTypeFormatterCollection class.

System_CAPS_pubclass ODataUrlHelperExtensions

Provides extension methods for the UrlHelper class.

System_CAPS_pubclass OverrideActionFiltersAttribute

Represents a filter attribute that overrides action filters defined at a higher level.

System_CAPS_pubclass OverrideAuthenticationAttribute

Represents a filter attribute that overrides authentication filters defined at a higher level.

System_CAPS_pubclass OverrideAuthorizationAttribute

Represents a filter attribute that overrides authorization filters defined at a higher level.

System_CAPS_pubclass OverrideExceptionFiltersAttribute

Represents a filter attribute that overrides exception filters defined at a higher level.

System_CAPS_pubclass OwinHttpConfigurationExtensions

Provides extension methods for the HttpConfiguration class.

System_CAPS_pubclass ParameterBindingAttribute

Attribute on a parameter or type that produces a HttpParameterBinding. If the attribute is on a type-declaration, then it's as if that attribute is present on all action parameters of that type.

System_CAPS_pubclass QueryableAttribute

Obsolete.Enables a controller action to support OData query parameters.

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteAttribute

Place on an action to expose it directly via a route.

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteCollectionExtensions

Extension methods for RouteCollection

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteParameter

The RouteParameter class can be used to indicate properties about a route parameter (the literals and placeholders located within segments of a M:IHttpRoute.RouteTemplate). It can for example be used to indicate that a route parameter is optional.

System_CAPS_pubclass RoutePrefixAttribute

Annotates a controller with a route prefix that applies to all actions within the controller.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServicesExtensions

Provides type-safe accessors for services obtained from a ServicesContainerobject.

System_CAPS_pubclass SingleResult

Represents an IQueryable containing zero or one entities. Use together with an [EnableQuery] from the System.Web.Http.OData or System.Web.OData namespace.

System_CAPS_pubclass SingleResult<T>

Represents an IQueryable<T> containing zero or one entities. Use together with an [EnableQuery] from the System.Web.Http.OData or System.Web.OData namespace.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IHttpActionResult

Defines a command that asynchronously creates an HttpResponseMessage.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum IncludeErrorDetailPolicy

Specifies whether error details, such as exception messages and stack traces, should be included in error messages.

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