System.Web.Http.Validation.Providers Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AssociatedValidatorProvider

Provides an abstract class for classes that implement a validation provider.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider

Represents an implementation of ModelValidatorProvider which providers validators for attributes which derive from ValidationAttribute. It also provides a validator for types which implement IValidatableObject. To support client side validation, you can either register adapters through the static methods on this class, or by having your validation attributes implement T:System.Web.Http.Validation.IClientValidatable. The logic to support IClientValidatable is implemented in DataAnnotationsModelValidator.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataMemberModelValidatorProvider

Represents a validator provider for data member model.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidModelValidatorProvider

An implementation of ModelValidatorProvider which provides validators that throw exceptions when the model is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass RequiredMemberModelValidatorProvider

Represents the provider for the required member model validator.


Delegate Description
System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataAnnotationsModelValidationFactory

Represents the method that creates a DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider instance.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataAnnotationsValidatableObjectAdapterFactory

Provides a factory for validators that are based on IValidatableObject.

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