ITraceWriter.Trace Method (HttpRequestMessage, String, TraceLevel, Action<TraceRecord>)


Invokes the specified traceAction to allow setting values in a new TraceRecord if and only if tracing is permitted at the given category and level.

Namespace:   System.Web.Http.Tracing
Assembly:  System.Web.Http (in System.Web.Http.dll)


void Trace(
    HttpRequestMessage request,
    string category,
    TraceLevel level,
    Action<TraceRecord> traceAction
void Trace(
    HttpRequestMessage^ request,
    String^ category,
    TraceLevel level,
    Action<TraceRecord^>^ traceAction
abstract Trace : 
        request:HttpRequestMessage *
        category:string *
        level:TraceLevel *
        traceAction:Action<TraceRecord> -> unit
Sub Trace (
    request As HttpRequestMessage,
    category As String,
    level As TraceLevel,
    traceAction As Action(Of TraceRecord)


  • category
    Type: System.String

    The logical category for the trace. Users can define their own.

  • traceAction
    Type: System.Action<TraceRecord>

    The action to invoke if tracing is enabled. The caller is expected to fill in the fields of the given TraceRecord in this action.

See Also

ITraceWriter Interface
System.Web.Http.Tracing Namespace

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