Create New Discount Wizard

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Use the Create New Discount Wizard to create a new discount. You schedule when your discounts are to appear on the Web site, and determine to what product or product category the discount applies. You specify the customers to whom you want to target the discount, or you can target the Web site the user is visiting. You also specify the type and value of the discount award and how you display the discount to the customer. By using the Create New Discount Wizard, you can create several different types of discounts. For information about the different types of discounts you can create, see Discount Types in Commerce Server. See the topics listed under Discount Types in Commerce Server for instructions about how to start the New Discount Wizard. For information about how to create a discount programmatically, see How to Create a Discount.

See Also

Other Resources

What is a Discount?

Discount Types in Commerce Server

How to Add Existing Coupons to a Discount

How to Export Coupons

How to Set the Discount Priority

How to Set Discount Interaction Policies

How to Edit a Discount

How to Approve a Discount

How to Disapprove a Discount

How to Restore a Discount