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Microsoft.Web.Services.Dpws Namespace (Standard 7 SP1)



Class Description
DataContractAttribute Apply the DataContract attribute to a class to indicate that this class defines a data type that will be serialized by a class derived from DpwsDataContractSerializer.
DataMemberAttribute A DataMember attribute is applied to fields in a type that will be serialized by a DpwsDataContractSerializer. It contains additional information for the serializer to ensure proper representation in XML format.
DpwsClient Base class used by a developer to implement a DPWS client application or control. DPWS client implementations must derive from this class. This object ties into client discovery and eventing functionalities in the referenced object properties: ClientDiscovery and ClientEventing.
DpwsClientDiscovery This class is used to send the following device discovery requests: Probe, DirectedProbe, and Resolve. It is also the sink of events such as Hello and Bye. Also probe matches are processed.
DpwsClientEventing The DpwsClientEventing class is used to manage event subscriptions of a client. A DPWS client uses this class to subscribe, unsubscribe, renew and get the status of an event subscription.
DpwsClientMetadata The DpwsClientMetadata class is used to get the metadata from a DPWS service using the WS-Transfer Get function.
DpwsDataContractSerializer Base class for XML serializers of classes with DataContract attribute.
DpwsDevice Creates a device used to manage global device information, a host and hosted services. The DpwsDevice class provides the base functionality of a device. It is the primary control class for a device and is the container and manager of hosted services provided by a device. This class exposes methods and properties used to manage device information, start and stop internal services and manage hosted services. A device developer uses this class to set device-specific information common to all hosted services such as ThisDevice and ThisModel metadata, and endpoint information such as the device address and device id. When developing hosted services this class provides access to information required by the service when building response messages. The device class also manages a collection of hosted services that implement the functionality of a device. Hosted services are created by device developers. These services are added to the collection of hosted services maintained by the device class. When the device starts, an instance of each hosted service in the hosted services collection is instantiated. When a device receives a request the hosted services collection contains information used by the transport services and routes request to a specific service. The device class also manages a set of internal, hidden hosted services that provide the boiler plate functionality of DPWS like Discovery, Metadata and the Subscription manager. If a device requires Host functionality outlined in the DPWS specification a hosted service can be added to the device to provide this functionality. Special provisions are made because a Host service of a devices has the same endpoint as the device.
DpwsDuration Class used to represent, format, and parse duration time values.
DpwsEndpointReference The class is used to store and access WS-Addressing endpoint references.
DpwsEventSource This class stores information identifying an event source of an eventing (hosted) service. A DpwsEventSource object must be created for each event of an eventing service. It is added to the event source collection of the eventing service. If a client sends a subscription request to the eventing service, the subscription manager validates the request and creates the subscription by creating an event sink object and adding it to the event sink dictionary of the event source.
DpwsEventSourceCollection Represents a collection of hosted services representing event sources.
DpwsEventSubscription The DpwsEventSubscription class is used to generate a response to a subscription request.
DpwsException The DpwsException class defines the exceptions specific to this DPWS implementation.
DpwsHostedService Represents a DPWS hosted service. This class implements a set of base methods and properties used by the stack to dispatch method calls and discover hosted service endpoints, operations and events. Device developer must derive their hosted service classes from this base class.
DpwsHttpClient Class used to send HTTP requests and receive HTTP responses. A DPWS client uses this class to send requests to a device or hosted services.
DpwsMessageType Distinguishes between SOAP and MTOM messages.
DpwsMetadata The DpwsMetadata class encapsulates the ThisModel, ThisDevice, and Relationship metadata of a service endpoint.
DpwsMtomBodyPart A container for one MTOM body part.
DpwsMtomBodyParts A container for multiple DpwsMtomBodyPart objects.
DpwsRelationshipMetadata Stores the metadata information specific to a host and hosted service.
DpwsServiceDescriptionCollection The DpwsServiceDescriptionCollection class is a container for DpwsServiceMetadataEventArgs.
DpwsServiceMetadata Used to store metadata service information of a host or hosted service.
DpwsServiceMetadataEventArgs Contains the event arguments for ProbeMatch, ResolveMatch, Hello, and Bye events. These are .NET Framework events and not those defined in the WS-eventing specification. This class contains target service endpoint properties that identify the supported types and endpoint address of a service.
DpwsServiceOperations A collection used to store qualified names of hosted services.
DpwsServiceScopeCollection An enumerable container for URIs representing DPWS service scopes. This collection is thread safe.
DpwsServiceTypeCollection Represents an enumerable container for XML qualified names. The names represent DPWS service types. This collection is thread safe.
DpwsSoapHeader Stores SOAP header information, providing functionality to parse XML documents and validate the content to be a valid SOAP message containing SOAP header information.
DpwsSoapMessageBuilder Static class used by a hosted service to build a DPWS-compliant response message.
DpwsSoapResponse Stores the data for a DPWS SOAP response. It contains header and envelope elements, and can also contain MTOM body parts. Returned by the DpwsHttpClient.SendRequest() Method.
DpwsSubscriptionEndEventArgs Represents the parameters passed to a SubscriptionEnd event handler.
DpwsSubscriptionManager Contains a collection of event sources. Each of the event sources contain a dictionary of event sinks. The subscription manager gets subscribe, unsubscribe, and renew requests and dispatches them to the appropriate event sources. It also fires the events for all event sources.
DpwsSubscriptionRequest Stores the data necessary for subscribing to an event.
DpwsThisDeviceMetadata This class stores the "ThisDevice" metadata section.
DpwsThisModelMetadata Stores devices specific model description information.
DpwsWellKnownUri A collection of common namespaces required by SOAP-based standards and specifications encapsulated by the DPWS specification.
EnumMemberAttribute Specifies that the field is an enumeration member and should be serialized.
MessageParameterAttribute Controls the name of a request and response parameter names. Cannot be used with System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or message contracts.
OperationContractAttribute Indicates that a method defines an operation that is part of a service contract in an application.
ServiceContractAttribute Indicates that an interface or a class defines a service contract in an application.


Interface Description
IService Represents an interface that must be implemented by DPWS hosted services. Service specific implementations must derive from this interface. The methods and properties defined in the interface are used by the stack to dispatch requests to the service endpoints. The DpwsHostedService and DpwsClient classes implement this interface. This should only be used by experienced developers who intend to completely bypass the features provided by the DpwsHostedService and DpwsClient base classes.


Delegate Description
DpwsCallback The delegate represents methods that are called depending on the action within a request.


Enumeration Description
DpwsFaultType Enumeration used to represent specific fault types.
DpwsIPAddressType Used to select the desired IP address type on DPWS clients and DPWS devices.
DpwsSubscriptionEndStatus Lists the possible reasons for a subscription to end.
WsMessageType Enumeration used to identify the message type.