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Running Direct Mailer

You use Commerce Server Direct Mailer to send personalized e-mail messages from a Web page, or non-personalized mailings from a flat text file, to large groups of recipients. Direct Mailer can be used as a stand-alone process or integrated into the Campaigns modules in Commerce Server Business Desk.

The centralized design of Direct Mailer makes it easy to administer. Direct Mailer operates at the Commerce Server global resource level. Each site points to the specific group instance of Direct Mailer to be used for that site. This allows you to partition and load balance which sites use Direct Mailer.

Direct Mailer supplies a command line interface that you use to create, run, monitor, and delete Direct Mailer jobs, as well as perform job startup and recovery tasks. To configure properties on Direct Mailer, you use Commerce Server Manager.

When Direct Mailer is installed, it is automatically integrated with other Commerce Server features. However, you can use it as a stand-alone product without using other Commerce Server components. To use Direct Mailer as a stand-alone product, you use its command line interface.

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