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OrderGroupManager Class (PIA)

Use this object to manage OrderGroup objects and their contents. This object allows you to search for orders or baskets without having to use SQL queries. It also allows for OrderGroup object deletions.


Method Description
DeleteOrderGroupFromDisk Checks whether a connection to the database has been established for the specified OrderGroup object, and then deletes the OrderGroup object and all objects contained within it from the database. Use this method for OrderGroup objects saved as baskets and templates.
DeleteReceiptGroupFromDisk Checks whether a connection to the database has been established for the specified OrderGroup object, and then deletes the OrderGroup object and all objects contained within it from the site database. Use this method for OrderGroup objects saved as orders.
GetOrderSummary Returns a recordset containing the summary information for the order.
Find Performs an SQL search based on the specified SQL clause fragments.
FindTemplatesForUser Finds an ADODB26Lib.Recordset of OrderGroup templates for the specified user. Returns an ADODB26Lib.Recordset of the search results.
Initialize Creates a connection to the specified database.
SimpleDelete Deletes all entries that meet the search criteria as specified by the supplied SimpleFindSearchInfo and SimpleFindResultInfo objects.
SimpleFind Returns an ADODB26Lib.Recordset of OrderGroup items based on the specified SimpleFindSearchInfo and SimpleFindResultInfo objects. These object values contain the search criteria.


Property Type Description
DebugReturnSQL Bool Determines if methods of this object will run an SQL query and return the resulting recordset, or if it will construct the SQL query and return the query string.

This property is read/write.

OrderFormHeaderColumns Object Returns a string of comma-separated OrderFormHeader table column names.

This property is read-only.

OrderFormLineItemsColumns Object Returns a string of comma-separated OrderFormLineItems table column names.

This property is read-only.

OrderGroupColumns Object Returns a string of comma-separated OrderGroup table column names.

This property is read-only.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders.Requisition.dll

See Also

Business Process Objects

OrderGroup Class

OrderForm Class

SimpleFindSearchInfo Class

SimpleFindResultInfo Class

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