pipelines Tag

The pipelines tag is used for configuring the use of various pipelines in the application. Each pipeline is configured with its own pipeline tag. This tag supports several attributes that determine the type of pipeline object that will be used to run the pipeline, for example, OrderPipeline, PooledPipeline, or PooledTxPipeline. Only the name and path attributes of the pipeline tag are required attributes, all other attributes contain default values that will be used if the attribute is unspecified.


  • If you enable pipeline logging from the web.config file, you must also create a /pipelines/log directory manually in order for the runtime to successfully run and log pipeline executions.

The pipelines tag contains one tag: pipeline tag.

pipeline Tag

This tag defines a new pipeline in the web.config file. Each instance of this tag corresponds to an instance in the PipelineCollection object stored in the application.

The following table lists the attributes of the pipeline tag.

Attribute Data Type Description
name String The name of the pipeline. This name will be used to access the pipeline in the application.

This attribute is required.

type String The role of the pipeline in the application. The acceptable options are CSF and Order. The default type is Order.

This attribute is optional.

transacted Boolean Determines whether a transacted pipeline object should be used for running the pipeline.

This attribute is optional for order pipelines, but for CSF pipelines the value cannot be set to True.

path String The path to the .pcf file that defines the pipeline. The path should be specified relative to the application, for example, ".\pipelines\basket.pcf".

This attribute is required.

loggingEnabled Boolean Determines whether or not pipeline logging is enabled. When set to True, a pipeline log will be created in the relative path /pipelines/log. The log file will be named using the ID of the user making the corresponding request to run the pipeline, and the extension "pipelog" will be used for the log file name. If the user cannot be identified, the log file will be named based on the pipeline being run, for example "basket.pcf.pipelog".

The default value is False.

This attribute is required.


      <pipeline name="pipeline name"
             path="path to .pcf file"

See Also

Configuration Services

CommerceApplicationModule Class

ContentSelectionPipeline Class

OrderPipeline Class

PipelineCollection Class

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