PFNPROPSHEETCALLBACK callback function (prsht.h)

An application-defined callback function that the system calls when the property sheet is being created and initialized.


PFNPROPSHEETCALLBACK Pfnpropsheetcallback;

int Pfnpropsheetcallback(
  HWND unnamedParam1,
  UINT unnamedParam2,
  LPARAM unnamedParam3



Type: HWND

Handle to the property sheet. This parameter is typically called hWnd.


Type: UINT

Message being received. This parameter is typically called uMsg.

This parameter is one of the following values.

Value Meaning
Indicates that the property sheet is being initialized. The lParam (unnamedParam3) value is zero for this message.
Indicates that the property sheet is about to be created. The hWnd (unnamedParam1) parameter is NULL, and the lParam (unnamedParam3) parameter is the address of a dialog template in memory. This template is in the form of a DLGTEMPLATE or DLGTEMPLATEEX structure followed by one or more DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures. This message is not applicable if you are using the Aero wizard style (PSH_AEROWIZARD).

Version 6.0 and later. Indicates the user pressed a button in the property sheet dialog box. To enable this, specify PSH_USECALLBACK in PROPSHEETHEADER.dwFlags and specify the name of this callback function in PROPSHEETHEADER.pfnCallback. The lParam (Arg3) value is one of the following. Note that only PSBTN_CANCEL is valid when you are using the Aero wizard style (PSH_AEROWIZARD).

Button pressed lParam value

Note that Comctl32.dll versions 6 and later are not redistributable. To use these versions of Comctl32.dll, specify the particular version in a manifest. For more information on manifests, see Enabling Visual Styles.



Additional information about the message. This parameter is typically called lParam.

The meaning of this value depends on the uMsg (unnamedParam2) parameter:

  • If uMsg is PSCB_INITIALIZED or PSCB_BUTTONPRESSED, the value of this parameter is zero.

  • If uMsg is PSCB_PRECREATE, then this parameter will be a pointer to either a DLGTEMPLATE or DLGTEMPLATEEX structure describing the property sheet dialog box. Test the signature of the structure to determine the type. If signature is equal to 0xFFFF then the structure is an extended dialog template, otherwise the structure is a standard dialog template. The following example demonstrates how to do this.

    if (uMsg == PSCB_PRECREATE) 
         if (lParam)
              DLGTEMPLATE *pDlgTemplate;
              DLGTEMPLATEEX *pDlgTemplateEx;
              pDlgTemplateEx = (DLGTEMPLATEEX *)lParam;  
              if (pDlgTemplateEx->signature == 0xFFFF)
                   // pDlgTemplateEx points to an extended  
                   // dialog template structure.
                   // This is a standard dialog template
                   //  structure.
                   pDlgTemplate = (DLGTEMPLATE *)lParam;

Return value

Type: int

Returns zero.


To enable a PropSheetProc callback function, use the PROPSHEETHEADER structure when you call the PropertySheet function to create the property sheet. Use the pfnCallback member to specify an address of the callback function, and set the PSP_USECALLBACK flag in the dwFlags member.

PropSheetProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. The PFNPROPSHEETCALLBACK type is the address of a PropSheetProc callback function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header prsht.h