
Loads Visual Basic for Applications and retrieves a pointer to the IExpressionService object.

void VBAGetExprSrv(HINSTANCE FAR* lphinstVBA,
                   IExpressionService FAR* FAR* lplpexprsrv,
                   LPBYTE lpStackMin,
                   USHORT usMajVersionExprSrv,
                   USHORT usMinVersionExprSrv,
                   DWORD dwUnused1,
                   DWORD dwUnused2);


  • lphinstVBA
    The location where the instance handle to Visual Basic for Applications is stored.

  • lplpexprsrv
    The location where the expression service object pointer is to be stored.

  • lpStackMin
    The minimum stack location that Visual Basic for Applications can go to.

  • usMajVersionExprSrv
    Major version associated with the expression service DLL.

  • usMinVersionExprSrv
    Minor version associated with the expression service DLL.

  • dwUnused1
    This argument is reserved for future use.

  • dwUnused2
    This argument is reserved for future use.

Property Value/Return Value

None. Use lphinstVBA and lplpexprsrv to determine whether VBAGetExprSrv succeeded, as indicated in the Remarks section below.


VBAGetExprSrv calls LoadLibrary() to load the Visual Basic for Applications DLL based on the version numbers that are passed in. The handle returned by LoadLibrary() is stored in the location pointed to by lphinstVBA. If the call is successful, the caller must eventually call FreeLibrary() on this hinstance.

The expression service object pointer is undefined when lphinstVBA points to an invalid hinstance. The expression service object pointer is null if creating the expression service fails.

The value of lpStackMin does not affect the expression service. lpStackMin is required by the Visual Basic for Applications initialization code, and this value must be supplied by the caller.

See Also

Other Resources

VBA Language References