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Filter Property

Sets or returns the name of a device filter. The default value is an empty string ("").

public string Filter {


The filter name must be the name of a method on the page, in the associated .ascx file, or the name of a valid device filter defined in the <devicefilters> section of web.config. If a method name is specified with the Filter property, that method must match the following prototype.

public bool methodName(System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities capabilities,
   String optionalArgument)

For example, if the Filter property was set to myChoiceMethod, a method with the following signature must exist.

public bool myChoiceMethod(
   System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities capabilities, 
   String optionalArgument

When evaluating the <Choice> element, a check is made to determine whether a method of the appropriate signature exists on the page. If not, ASP.NET checks the <devicefilters> section of web.config.

Note   Device filters are case sensitive.

"isHTML32""""""prefersWBMP"""""isHTML32"""prefersWBMP"""See Also

Adding New Device Adapters and Device Support | Device-Specific Rendering

Applies to: DeviceSpecificChoice Class