PjSaveBaselineTo-Enumeration (Project)

Enthält Konstanten, die angeben, in welche Felder kopiert werden soll.

Name Wert Beschreibung
pjIntoBaseline 0 Alle Basisplaninformationen im aktiven Projekt
pjIntoBaseline1 11 Baseline1 start and Baseline1 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline10 20 Baseline10 start and Baseline10 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline2 12 Baseline2 start and Baseline2 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline3 13 Baseline3 start and Baseline3 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline4 14 Baseline4 start and Baseline4 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline5 15 Baseline5 start and Baseline5 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline6 16 Baseline6 start and Baseline6 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline7 17 Baseline7 start and Baseline7 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline8 18 Baseline8 start and Baselin8 finish dates.
pjIntoBaseline9 19 Baseline9 start and Baseline9 finish dates.
pjIntoStart_Finish1 1 Dates in the Start1 and Finish1 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish10 10 Dates in the Start10 and Finish10 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish2 2 Dates in the Start2 and Finish2 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish3 3 Dates in the Start3 and Finish3 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish4 4 Dates in the Start4 and Finish4 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish5 5 Dates in the Start5 and Finish5 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish6 6 Dates in the Start6 and Finish6 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish7 7 Dates in the Start7 and Finish7 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish8 8 Dates in the Start8 and Finish8 custom fields.
pjIntoStart_Finish9 9 Dates in the Start9 and Finish9 custom fields.

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