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The WSAQUERYSET structure provides relevant information about a given service, including service class ID, service name, applicable namespace identifier and protocol information, as well as a set of transport addresses at which the service listens.


typedef struct _WSAQuerySet {
  DWORD         dwSize;
  LPTSTR        lpszServiceInstanceName;
  LPGUID        lpServiceClassId;
  LPWSAVERSION  lpVersion;
  LPTSTR        lpszComment;
  DWORD         dwNameSpace;
  LPGUID        lpNSProviderId;
  LPTSTR        lpszContext;
  DWORD         dwNumberOfProtocols;
  LPAFPROTOCOLS lpafpProtocols;
  LPTSTR        lpszQueryString;
  DWORD         dwNumberOfCsAddrs;
  LPCSADDR_INFO lpcsaBuffer;
  DWORD         dwOutputFlags;
  LPBLOB        lpBlob;


  • dwSize
    Typ: DWORD

    The size, in bytes, of the WSAQUERYSET structure. This member is used as a versioning mechanism since the size of the WSAQUERYSET structure has changed on later versions of Windows.

  • lpszServiceInstanceName
    Typ: LPTSTR

    A pointer to an optional NULL-terminated string that contains service name. The semantics for using wildcards within the string are not defined, but can be supported by certain namespace providers.

  • lpServiceClassId
    Typ: LPGUID

    The GUID corresponding to the service class. This member is required to be set.

  • lpVersion

    A pointer to an optional desired version number of the namespace provider. This member provides version comparison semantics (that is, the version requested must match exactly, or version must be not less than the value supplied).

  • lpszComment
    Typ: LPTSTR

    This member is ignored for queries.

  • dwNameSpace
    Typ: DWORD

    A namespace identifier that determines which namespace providers are queried. Passing a specific namespace identifier will result in only namespace providers that support the specified namespace being queried. Specifying NS_ALL will result in all installed and active namespace providers being queried.

    Options for the dwNameSpace member are listed in the Winsock2.h include file. Several new namespace providers are included with Windows Vista and later. Other namespace providers can be installed, so the following possible values are only those commonly available. Many other values are possible.

    Wert Bedeutung

    All installed and active namespaces.


    The Bluetooth namespace. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


    The domain name system (DNS) namespace.


    The email namespace. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


    The network location awareness (NLA) namespace. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows XP and later.


    The peer-to-peer name space for a specific peer name. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


    The peer-to-peer name space for a collection of peer names. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


  • lpNSProviderId
    Typ: LPGUID

    A pointer to an optional GUID of a specific namespace provider to query in the case where multiple namespace providers are registered under a single namespace such as NS_DNS. Passing the GUID for a specific namespace provider will result in only the specified namespace provider being queried. The WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders and WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx functions can be called to retrieve the GUID for a namespace provider.

  • lpszContext
    Typ: LPTSTR

    A pointer to an optional starting point of the query in a hierarchical namespace.

  • dwNumberOfProtocols
    Typ: DWORD

    The size, in bytes, of the protocol constraint array. This member can be zero.

  • lpafpProtocols

    A pointer to an optional array of AFPROTOCOLS structures. Only services that utilize these protocols will be returned.

  • lpszQueryString
    Typ: LPTSTR

    A pointer to an optional NULL-terminated query string. Some namespaces, such as Whois++, support enriched SQL-like queries that are contained in a simple text string. This parameter is used to specify that string.

  • dwNumberOfCsAddrs
    Typ: DWORD

    This member is ignored for queries.

  • lpcsaBuffer

    This member is ignored for queries.

  • dwOutputFlags
    Typ: DWORD

    This member is ignored for queries.

  • lpBlob
    Typ: LPBLOB

    An optional pointer to data that is used to query or set provider-specific namespace information. The format of this information is specific to the namespace provider.


The WSAQUERYSET structure is used as part of the original namespace provider version 1 architecture available on Windows 95 and later. A newer version 2 of the namespace architecture is available on Windows Vista and later.

In most instances, applications interested in only a particular transport protocol should constrain their query by address family and protocol rather than by namespace. This would allow an application that needs to locate a TCP/IP service, for example, to have its query processed by all available namespaces such as the local hosts file, DNS, and NIS.


Mindestens unterstützter Client

Windows 2000 Professional

Mindestens unterstützter Server

Windows 2000 Server



Unicode- und ANSI-Namen


Siehe auch

Bluetooth and WSAQUERYSET for Device Inquiry

Bluetooth and WSAQUERYSET for Service Inquiry

Bluetooth and WSAQUERYSET for Set Service





