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Controller für Zertifikaterneuerung (Windows Store-Apps)

Stellt Code dar, der einen System.Web.Mvc-Controller zum Erneuern von Zertifikaten implementiert.

Onlinebanking-App-Webdienst für die Zertifikaterneuerung

Die Windows Store-App für Onlinebanking erfordert einen Webdienst, der Endpunkte zur Zertifikatüberprüfung und -erneuerung bereitstellt.

Im folgenden Codebeispiel ist das Implementieren eines System.Web.Mvc-Controllers dargestellt, der Zertifikate überprüft und erneuert.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using CERTCLILib;

namespace BankServer.Controllers
    public class RenewalController : Controller
        internal abstract class Constants
            // Constants for property IDs
            public const int CR_PROP_CAXCHGCERT = 15;
            //constants for data types and indexed status
            public const int PROPTYPE_BINARY = 0x3;
            //Constants for binary flags
            public const int CV_OUT_BASE64 = 0x1;
            public const int CR_DISP_ERROR = 0x1;
            public const int CR_DISP_DENIED = 0x2;
            public const int CR_DISP_ISSUED = 0x3;
            public const int CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION = 0x5;
            public const int CR_IN_BASE64HEADER = 0;
            public const int CR_IN_BASE64 = 0x1;
            public const int CR_IN_BINARY = 0x2;
            public const int CR_IN_ENCODEANY = 0xff;
            public const int CR_IN_FORMATANY = 0x00;
            public const int CR_IN_ROBO = 0x00200000;
            public const int CR_IN_PKCS10 = 0x100;
            public const int CR_IN_PKCS7 = 0x300;
            public const int CR_IN_CMC = 0x400;
            public const int CR_IN_FORMATMASK = 0xff00;

            public const int CR_IN_CLIENTIDNONE = 0x00400000;
            public const int CR_IN_CONNECTONLY = 0x00800000;

            public const int CR_OUT_BASE64HEADER = 0x0;
            public const int CR_OUT_BASE64 = 0x1;
            public const int FR_PROP_FULLRESPONSE = 1;  // Binary

            // Constant strings for  all logging, and hardcoded strings
            public const string TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT = "";
            public const string SOAP_ENVELOPE_NS_TEXT = "";

        public JsonResult CheckCert()
            var result = new JsonResult();
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
            long twoMonthsTicks = 51840000000000;

            HttpClientCertificate clientCert = Request.ClientCertificate;
            if (clientCert != null && clientCert.Certificate != null &&
        clientCert.Certificate.Length > 0)
                X509Certificate2 mycert =
          new X509Certificate2(clientCert.Certificate);
                if (mycert.NotAfter.Ticks  < currentDate.Ticks + twoMonthsTicks)
                    result.Data = new { renew = true, 
                    hasCert = true,
                    pfx = false, // Server policy
                    user = mycert.SubjectName.Name
                    result.Data = new { renew = false, hasCert = true };
            } else {
                result.Data = new { renew = false, hasCert = false };
            return result;

        public JsonResult RenewP10(string request)
            const string CAConfig = "\\enrolldev-Devt-StandAlone-CA";

            ICertRequest CertRequest = new CCertRequest();


            string certificate = 

            var result = new JsonResult();
            result.Data = new { certificate = certificate };
            return result;

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Arbeiten mit Zertifikaten

Erstellen einer Windows Store-App für Onlinebanking

Erstellen einer Windows Store-App für Onlinebanking: Ressourcen