Compiler Warning (level 1) C4055


The latest version of this topic can be found at Visual Studio 2017 Documentation. 'conversion' : from data pointer 'type1' to function pointer 'type2'

A data pointer is cast (possibly incorrectly) to a function pointer. This is a level 1 warning under /Za and a level 4 warning under /Ze.

The following sample generates C4055:

// C4055.c  
// compile with: /Za /W1 /c  
typedef int (*PFUNC)();  
int *pi;  
PFUNC f() {  
   return (PFUNC)pi;   // C4055  

Under /Ze, this is a level 4 warning.

// C4055b.c  
// compile with: /W4 /c  
typedef int (*PFUNC)();  
int *pi;  
PFUNC f() {  
return (PFUNC)pi;   // C4055  