SetAddrInfoEx Function

The SetAddrInfoEx function registers or deregisters a name, a service name, and associated addresses with a specific namespace provider.


int WSAAPI SetAddrInfoEx(
  __in       PCTSTR pName,
  __in       PCTSTR pServiceName,
  __inout    SOCKET_ADDRESS *pAddresses,
  __in       DWORD dwAddressCount,
  __in_opt   LPBLOB lpBlob,
  __in       DWORD dwFlags,
  __in       DWORD dwNameSpace,
  __in_opt   LPGUID lpNspId,
  __in_opt   struct timeval *timeout,
  __in_opt   LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
  __in_opt   LPLOOKUPSERVICE_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine,
  __out_opt  LPHANDLE lpNameHandle


  • pName [in]
    A pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing a name under which addresses are to be registered or deregistered. The interpretation of this parameter specific to the namespace provider.

  • pServiceName [in]
    A pointer to an optional NULL-terminated string that contains the service name associated with the name being registered. The interpretation of this parameter is specific to the namespace provider.

  • pAddresses [in, out]
    A pointer to an optional list of addresses to register with the namespace provider.

  • dwAddressCount [in]
    The number of addresses passed in pAddresses parameter. If this parameter is zero, the pName parameter is deregistered from the namespace provider.

  • lpBlob [in, optional]
    An optional pointer to data that is used to set provider-specific namespace information that is associated with the pName parameter beyond a list of addresses. Any information that cannot be passed in the pAddresses parameter can be passed in the lpBlob parameter. The format of this information is specific to the namespace provider.

  • dwFlags [in]
    A set of flags controlling how the pName and pServiceName parameters are to be registered with the namespace provider. The interpretation of this information is specific to the namespace provider.

  • dwNameSpace [in]
    A namespace identifier that determines which namespace provider to register this information with. Passing a specific namespace identifier will result in registering this information only with the namespace providers that support the specified namespace. Specifying NS_ALL will result in registering the information with all installed and active namespace providers.

    Options for the dwNameSpace parameter are listed in the Winsock2.h include file. Several namespace providers are included with Windows Vista and later. Other namespace providers can be installed, so the following possible values are only those commonly available. Many others are possible.

    Wert Bedeutung

    All installed and active namespaces.


    The Bluetooth namespace. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


    The domain name system (DNS) namespace.


    The email namespace. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


    The network location awareness (NLA) namespace. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows XP and later.


    The peer-to-peer namespace for a specific peer name. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


    The peer-to-peer namespace for a collection of peer names. This namespace identifier is supported on Windows Vista and later.


  • lpNspId [in, optional]
    A pointer to an optional GUID of a specific namespace provider to register this information with in the case where multiple namespace providers are registered under a single namespace such as NS_DNS. Passing the GUID for a specific namespace provider will result in the information being registered with only the specified namespace provider. The WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders function can be called to retrieve the GUID for a namespace provider.

  • timeout [in, optional]
    An optional parameter indicating the time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from the namespace provider before aborting the call. This parameter is currently reserved and must be set to NULL since a timeout option is not supported.

  • lpOverlapped [in, optional]
    An optional pointer to an overlapped structure used for asynchronous operation. This parameter is currently reserved and must be set to NULL since asynchronous operations are not supported.

  • lpCompletionRoutine [in, optional]
    An optional pointer to a function to be invoked upon successful completion for asynchronous operations. This parameter is currently reserved and must be set to NULL since asynchronous operations are not supported.

  • lpNameHandle [out, optional]
    An optional pointer used only for asynchronous operations. This parameter is currently reserved and must be set to NULL since asynchronous operations are not supported.


On success, SetAddrInfoEx returns NO_ERROR (0). Failure returns a nonzero Windows Sockets error code, as found in the Windows Sockets Error Codes.

Error code Meaning

A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function.


A temporary failure in name resolution occurred.


An invalid parameter was provided. This error is returned if any of the reserved parameters are not NULL.


Insufficient buffer space is available.


A nonrecoverable failure in name resolution occurred.


A memory allocation failure occurred.



The SetAddrInfoEx function provides a protocol-independent method to register or deregister a name and one or more addresses with a namespace provider. The NS_EMAIL namespace provider in Windows Vista and later supports registration and deregistration of addresses. The default NS_DNS, NS_PNRPNAME, and NS_PNRPNAME namespace providers do not currently support name registration.

If the SetAddrInfoEx function is called with NS_ALL set as the dwNameSpace parameter and the lpNspId parameter unspecified, then SetAddrInfoEx will attempt to register or deregister the name and associated addresses with all installed and active namespaces. The SetAddrInfoEx function will return success if any of the namespace providers successfully registered or deregistered the name, but there will not be any indication of which namespace provider succeeded or which ones failed the request.

When UNICODE or _UNICODE is defined, SetAddrInfoEx is defined to SetAddrInfoExW, the Unicode version of this function. The string parameters are defined to the PWSTR data type.

When UNICODE or _UNICODE is not defined, SetAddrInfoEx is defined to SetAddrInfoExA, the ANSI version of this function. The string parameters are of the PCSTR data type.

Information that is registered with a namespace provider can be returned by calling the GetAddrInfoEx, getaddrinfo, or GetAddrInfoWfunctions. The GetAddrInfoEx function is an enhanced version of the getaddrinfo and GetAddrInfoW functions.

On Windows Vista and later, when SetAddrInfoEx is called from a service, if the operation is the result of a user process calling the service, then the service should impersonate the user. This is to allow security and routing compartments to be properly enforced.


Mindestens unterstützter Client

Windows Vista

Mindestens unterstützter Server

Windows Server 2008







Unicode- und ANSI-Namen

SetAddrInfoExW (Unicode) and SetAddrInfoExA (ANSI)

Siehe auch






Windows Sockets Error Codes