Shapes Members

A collection of Shape objects that represent all the shapes in a document or all the shapes in all the headers and footers in a document.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Shapes type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Application Returns a Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Count Returns the number of items in the specified collection.
Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
Item Returns an individual object in a collection.
Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.


Public Methods

  Name Description
AddCallout Adds a borderless line callout to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the callout and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddCanvas Adds a drawing canvas to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the drawing canvas and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddCurve Returns a Shape object that represents a Bézier curve in a document.
AddDiagram Returns a Shape object that represents a newly created diagram in a document.
AddLabel Adds a text label to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the text label and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddLine Adds a line to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the line and adds it to the AddCallout collection.
AddOLEControl Creates an ActiveX control (formerly known as an OLE control). Returns the Shape object that represents the new ActiveX control.
AddOLEObject Creates an OLE object. Returns the Shape object that represents the new OLE object.
AddPicture Adds a picture to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the picture and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddPolyline Adds an open or closed polygon to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the polygon and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddShape Adds an AutoShape to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the AutoShape and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddTextbox Adds a text box to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the text box and adds it to the Shapes collection.
AddTextEffect Adds a WordArt shape to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the WordArt and adds it to the Shapes collection.
BuildFreeform Builds a freeform object. Returns a FreeformBuilder object that represents the freeform as it is being built.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator to support iterating through the collection.
Range Returns a ShapeRange object.
SelectAll Selects all the shapes in the main story, in a canvas, or in headers and footers of a document.


See Also


Shapes Interface
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace