_Global Members

Contains top-level properties and methods.

The following tables list the members exposed by the _Global type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
ActiveDocument Returns a Document object that represents the active document (the document with the focus). If there are no documents open, an error occurs.
ActivePrinter Returns or sets the name of the active printer.
ActiveWindow Returns a Window object that represents the active window (the window with the focus).
AddIns Returns a AddIns collection that represents all available add-ins, regardless of whether they're currently loaded.
AnswerWizard Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.AnswerWizard object that contains the files used by the online Help search engine.
Application Returns a _Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Assistant Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.Assistant object that represents the Microsoft Office Assistant.
AutoCaptions Returns a AutoCaptions collection that represents the captions that are automatically added when items such as tables and pictures are inserted into a document.
AutoCorrect Returns a AutoCorrect object that contains the current AutoCorrect options, entries, and exceptions.
AutoCorrectEmail Returns a AutoCorrect object that represents automatic corrections made to e-mail messages.
CaptionLabels Returns a CaptionLabels collection that represents all the available caption labels.
CommandBars Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBars collection that represents the menu bar and all the toolbars in Microsoft Word.
Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
CustomDictionaries Returns a Dictionaries object that represents the collection of active custom dictionaries. Active custom dictionaries are marked with a check in the Custom Dictionaries dialog box.
CustomizationContext Returns or sets a Template or Document object that represents the template or document in which changes to menu bars, toolbars, and key bindings are stored.
Dialogs Returns a Dialogs collection that represents all the built-in dialog boxes in Microsoft Word.
Documents Returns a Documents collection that represents all the open documents.
FileConverters Returns a FileConverters collection that represents all the file converters available to Microsoft Word.
FindKey Returns a KeyBinding object that represents the specified key combination.
FontNames Returns a FontNames object that includes the names of all the available fonts.
HangulHanjaDictionaries Returns a HangulHanjaConversionDictionaries collection that represents all the active custom conversion dictionaries.
IsObjectValid Determines if the specified variable that references an object is valid.
KeyBindings Returns a KeyBindings collection that represents customized key assignments, which include a key code, a key category, and a command.
KeysBoundTo Returns a KeysBoundTo object that represents all the key combinations assigned to the specified item.
LandscapeFontNames Returns a FontNames object that includes the names of all the available landscape fonts.
Languages Returns a Languages collection that represents the proofing languages listed in the Language dialog box.
LanguageSettings Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.LanguageSettings object, which contains information about the language settings in Microsoft Word.
ListGalleries Returns a ListGalleries collection that represents the three list template galleries: Bulleted, Numbered, and Outline Numbered.
MacroContainer Returns a Template or Document object that represents the template or document in which the module that contains the running procedure is stored.
Name Returns or sets the name of the specified object.
NormalTemplate Returns a Template object that represents the Normal template.
Options Returns an Options object that represents application settings in Microsoft Word.
Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.
PortraitFontNames Returns a FontNames object that includes the names of all the available portrait fonts.
PrintPreview Determines if print preview is the current view.
RecentFiles Returns a RecentFiles collection that represents the most recently accessed files.
Selection Returns the Selection object that represents a selected range or the insertion point.
ShowVisualBasicEditor Determines if the Visual Basic Editor window is visible.
StatusBar Displays the specified text in the status bar.
SynonymInfo Returns a SynonymInfo object that contains information from the thesaurus on synonyms, antonyms, or related words and expressions for the specified word or phrase.
System Returns a System object, which can be used to return system-related information and perform system-related tasks.
Tasks Returns a Tasks collection that represents all the applications that are running.
Templates Returns a Templates collection that represents all the available templates — global templates as well as those attached to open documents.
VBE Returns a VBE object that represents the Visual Basic Editor.
Windows Returns a Windows collection that represents all document windows. The collection corresponds to the window names that appear at the bottom of the Window menu.
WordBasic Returns an Automation object (Word.Basic) that includes methods for all the WordBasic statements and functions available in Microsoft Word version 6.0 and Word for Windows 95.


Public Methods

  Name Description
BuildKeyCode Returns a unique number for the specified key combination.
CentimetersToPoints Converts a measurement from centimeters to points (1 cm = 28.35 points).
ChangeFileOpenDirectory Sets the folder in which Microsoft Word searches for documents.
CheckSpelling Checks a string for spelling errors.
CleanString Removes nonprinting characters (character codes 1 – 29) and special Microsoft Word characters from the specified string or changes them to spaces (character code 32).
DDEExecute Sends a command or series of commands to an application through the specified dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel.
DDEInitiate Opens a dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to another application, and returns the channel number.
DDEPoke Uses an open dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to send data to an application.
DDERequest Uses an open dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to request information from the receiving application, and returns the information as a string.
DDETerminate Closes the specified dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to another application.
DDETerminateAll Closes all dynamic data exchange (DDE) channels opened by Microsoft Word.
GetSpellingSuggestions Returns a SpellingSuggestions collection that represents the words suggested as spelling replacements for a given word.
Help Displays on-line Help information.
InchesToPoints Converts a measurement from inches to points (1 inch = 72 points).
KeyString Returns the key combination string for the specified keys (for example, CTRL+SHIFT+A).
LinesToPoints Converts a measurement from lines to points (1 line = 12 points).
MillimetersToPoints Converts a measurement from millimeters to points (1 mm = 2.85 points).
NewWindow Opens a new window with the same document as the specified window.
PicasToPoints Converts a measurement from picas to points (1 pica = 12 points).
PixelsToPoints Converts a measurement from pixels to points.
PointsToCentimeters Converts a measurement from points to centimeters (1 centimeter = 28.35 points).
PointsToInches Converts a measurement from points to inches (1 inch = 72 points).
PointsToLines Converts a measurement from points to lines (1 line = 12 points).
PointsToMillimeters Converts a measurement from points to millimeters (1 millimeter = 2.835 points).
PointsToPicas Converts a measurement from points to picas (1 pica = 12 points).
PointsToPixels Converts a measurement from points to pixels.
Repeat Repeats the most recent editing action one or more times.


See Also


_Global Interface
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace