ID3D11DeviceContext::SetPredication Method

Set a rendering predicate.


void SetPredication(
  [in]  ID3D11Predicate *pPredicate,
  [in]  BOOL PredicateValue


  • pPredicate [in]
    Typ: ID3D11Predicate*

    Pointer to a predicate (see ID3D11Predicate). A NULL value indicates "no" predication; in this case, the value of PredicateValue is irrelevent but will be preserved for ID3D11DeviceContext::GetPredication.

  • PredicateValue [in]
    Typ: BOOL

    If TRUE, rendering will be affected by when the predicate's conditions are met. If FALSE, rendering will be affected when the conditions are not met.


Returns nothing.


The predicate must be in the "issued" or "signaled" state to be used for predication. While the predicate is set for predication, calls to ID3D11DeviceContext::Begin and ID3D11DeviceContext::End are invalid.

This method is used to denote that subsequent rendering and resource manipulation commands are not actually performed if the resulting Predicate data of the Predicate is equal to the PredicateValue. However, some Predicates are only hints, so they may not actually prevent operations from being performed.

The primary usefulness of Predication is to allow an application to issue graphics commands without taking the performance hit of spinning, waiting for ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData to return. So, Predication can occur while ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData returns S_FALSE. Another way to think of it: an application can also use Predication as a fallback, if it is possible that ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData returns S_FALSE. If ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData returns S_OK, the application can skip calling the graphics commands manually with it's own application logic.






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