Zugreifen auf OperationContext aus einem Workflowdienst

Dieses Thema gilt für Windows Workflow Foundation 4.

Für den Zugriff auf den OperationContext in einem Workflowdienst müssen Sie die IReceiveMessageCallback-Schnittstelle in einer benutzerdefinierten Ausführungseigenschaft implementieren. Überschreiben Sie die OnReceiveMessage-Methode, die als Verweis an den OperationContext übergeben wird. In diesem Thema erhalten Sie schrittweise Anweisungen zum Implementieren dieser Ausführungseigenschaft, um einen benutzerdefinierten Header sowie eine benutzerdefinierte Aktivität abzurufen, die diese Eigenschaft zur Laufzeit für Receive sichtbar macht. Die benutzerdefinierte Aktivität implementiert dasselbe Verhalten wie eine Sequence-Aktivität, wenn jedoch Receive darin platziert wird, wird IReceiveMessageCallback aufgerufen, und die OperationContext-Informationen werden abgerufen. In diesem Thema wird zudem veranschaulicht, wie auf den clientseitigen OperationContext zugegriffen wird, um über die ISendMessageCallback-Schnittstelle ausgehende Header hinzuzufügen.

Implementieren des dienstseitigen IReceiveMessageCallback

  1. Erstellen Sie eine leere Visual Studio 2010-Projektmappe.

  2. Fügen Sie der Projektmappe eine neue Konsolenanwendung mit dem Namen Service hinzu.

  3. Fügen Sie Verweise auf die folgenden Assemblys hinzu:

    1. System.Runtime.Serialization

    2. System.ServiceModel

    3. System.ServiceModel.Activities

  4. Fügen Sie eine neue Klasse mit dem Namen ReceiveInstanceIdCallback hinzu, und implementieren Sie IReceiveMessageCallback, wie im folgenden Beispiel veranschaulicht.

    class ReceiveInstanceIdCallback : IReceiveMessageCallback
          public const string HeaderName = "InstanceIdHeader";
          public const string HeaderNS = "http://Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext";
         public void OnReceiveMessage(System.ServiceModel.OperationContext operationContext, System.Activities.ExecutionProperties activityExecutionProperties)
                    Guid instanceId = operationContext.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetHeader<Guid>(HeaderName, HeaderNS);
                    Console.WriteLine("Received a message from a workflow with instanceId = {0}", instanceId);
                catch (MessageHeaderException)
                    Console.WriteLine("This message must not be from a workflow.");

    In diesem Code wird mit dem an die Methode übergebenen OperationContext auf die Header der eingehenden Nachricht zugegriffen.

Implementieren einer dienstseitigen systemeigenen Aktivität, um dem NativeActivityContext die IReceiveMessageCallback-Implementierung hinzuzufügen

  1. Fügen Sie eine neue, von NativeActivity abgeleitete Klasse mit dem Namen ReceiveInstanceIdScope hinzu.

  2. Fügen Sie lokale Variablen hinzu, um untergeordnete Aktivitäten, Variablen, den aktuellen Aktivitätsindex und einen CompletionCallback-Rückruf zu verfolgen.

    public sealed class ReceiveInstanceIdScope : NativeActivity
            Collection<Activity> children;
            Collection<Variable> variables;
            Variable<int> currentIndex;
            CompletionCallback onChildComplete;
  3. Implementieren des Konstruktors

    public ReceiveInstanceIdScope()
                : base()
                this.children = new Collection<Activity>();
                this.variables = new Collection<Variable>();
                this.currentIndex = new Variable<int>();
  4. Implementieren Sie die Activities-Eigenschaft und die Variables-Eigenschaft.

    public Collection<Activity> Activities
         get { return this.children; }
    public Collection<Variable> Variables
        get { return this.variables; }
  5. Überschreiben Sie CacheMetadata.

    protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
        //call base.CacheMetadata to add the Activities and Variables to this activity's metadata
        //add the private implementation variable: currentIndex 
  6. Überschreiben Sie Execute.

    protected override void Execute(
                NativeActivityContext context)
                context.Properties.Add("ReceiveInstanceIdCallback", new ReceiveInstanceIdCallback());
                InternalExecute(context, null);
            void InternalExecute(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance instance)
                //grab the index of the current Activity
                int currentActivityIndex = this.currentIndex.Get(context);
                if (currentActivityIndex == Activities.Count)
                    //if the currentActivityIndex is equal to the count of MySequence's Activities
                    //MySequence is complete
                if (this.onChildComplete == null)
                    //on completion of the current child, have the runtime call back on this method
                    this.onChildComplete = new CompletionCallback(InternalExecute);
                //grab the next Activity in MySequence.Activities and schedule it
                Activity nextChild = Activities[currentActivityIndex];
                context.ScheduleActivity(nextChild, this.onChildComplete);
                //increment the currentIndex
                this.currentIndex.Set(context, ++currentActivityIndex);

Implementieren des Workflowdiensts

  1. Öffnen Sie die vorhandene Program-Klasse.

  2. Definieren Sie die folgenden Konstanten:

    class Program
       const string addr = "https://localhost:8080/Service";
       static XName contract = XName.Get("IService", "http://tempuri.org");
  3. Fügen Sie eine statische Methode mit dem Namen GetWorkflowService hinzu, die den Workflowdienst erstellt.

    static Activity GetServiceWorkflow()
                Variable<string> echoString = new Variable<string>();
                Receive echoRequest = new Receive
                    CanCreateInstance = true,
                    ServiceContractName = contract,
                    OperationName = "Echo",
                    Content = new ReceiveParametersContent()
                        Parameters = { { "echoString", new OutArgument<string>(echoString) } }
                return new ReceiveInstanceIdScope
                    Variables = { echoString },
                    Activities =
                        new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>( (e) => "Received: " + echoString.Get(e) ) },
                        new SendReply
                            Request = echoRequest,
                            Content = new SendParametersContent()
                                Parameters = { { "result", new InArgument<string>(echoString) } } 
  4. Hosten Sie den Workflowdienst in der vorhandenen Main-Methode.

    static void Main(string[] args)
                string addr = "https://localhost:8080/Service";
                using (WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost(GetServiceWorkflow()))
                    host.AddServiceEndpoint(contract, new BasicHttpBinding(), addr);
                    Console.WriteLine("Service waiting at: " + addr);
                    Console.WriteLine("Press [ENTER] to exit");

Implementieren des clientseitigen ISendMessageCallback

  1. Fügen Sie der Projektmappe eine neue Konsolenanwendung mit dem Namen Service hinzu.

  2. Fügen Sie Verweise auf die folgenden Assemblys hinzu:

    1. System.Runtime.Serialization

    2. System.ServiceModel

    3. System.ServiceModel.Activities

  3. Fügen Sie eine neue Klasse mit dem Namen SendInstanceIdCallback hinzu, und implementieren Sie ISendMessageCallback, wie im folgenden Beispiel veranschaulicht.

    class SendInstanceIdCallback : ISendMessageCallback
            public const string HeaderName = "InstanceIdHeader";
            public const string HeaderNS = "http://Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext";
            public Guid InstanceId { get; set; }
            public void OnSendMessage(System.ServiceModel.OperationContext operationContext)
                operationContext.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader(HeaderName, HeaderNS, this.InstanceId));

    In diesem Code wird mit dem an die Methode übergebenen OperationContext der eingehenden Nachricht ein benutzerdefinierter Header hinzugefügt.

Implementieren einer clientseitigen systemeigenen Aktivität, um dem NativeActivityContext die clientseitige ISendMessageCallback-Implementierung hinzuzufügen

  1. Fügen Sie eine neue, von NativeActivity abgeleitete Klasse mit dem Namen SendInstanceIdScope hinzu.

  2. Fügen Sie lokale Variablen hinzu, um untergeordnete Aktivitäten, Variablen, den aktuellen Aktivitätsindex und einen CompletionCallback-Rückruf zu verfolgen.

    public sealed class SendInstanceIdScope : NativeActivity
            Collection<Activity> children;
            Collection<Variable> variables;
            Variable<int> currentIndex;
            CompletionCallback onChildComplete;
  3. Implementieren des Konstruktors

    public SendInstanceIdScope()
                : base()
                this.children = new Collection<Activity>();
                this.variables = new Collection<Variable>();
                this.currentIndex = new Variable<int>();
  4. Implementieren Sie die Activities-Eigenschaft und die Variables-Eigenschaft.

    public Collection<Activity> Activities
         get { return this.children; }
    public Collection<Variable> Variables
        get { return this.variables; }
  5. Überschreiben Sie CacheMetadata.

    protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
        //call base.CacheMetadata to add the Activities and Variables to this activity's metadata
        //add the private implementation variable: currentIndex 
  6. Überschreiben Sie Execute.

    protected override void Execute(
                NativeActivityContext context)
                context.Properties.Add("SendInstanceIdCallback", new SendInstanceIdCallback() { InstanceId = context.WorkflowInstanceId });
                InternalExecute(context, null);
            void InternalExecute(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance instance)
                //grab the index of the current Activity
                int currentActivityIndex = this.currentIndex.Get(context);
                if (currentActivityIndex == Activities.Count)
                    //if the currentActivityIndex is equal to the count of MySequence's Activities
                    //MySequence is complete
                if (this.onChildComplete == null)
                    //on completion of the current child, have the runtime call back on this method
                    this.onChildComplete = new CompletionCallback(InternalExecute);
                //grab the next Activity in MySequence.Activities and schedule it
                Activity nextChild = Activities[currentActivityIndex];
                context.ScheduleActivity(nextChild, this.onChildComplete);
                //increment the currentIndex
                this.currentIndex.Set(context, ++currentActivityIndex);
    protected override void Execute(
                NativeActivityContext context)
                context.Properties.Add("ReceiveInstanceIdCallback", new ReceiveInstanceIdCallback());
                InternalExecute(context, null);
            void InternalExecute(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance instance)
                //grab the index of the current Activity
                int currentActivityIndex = this.currentIndex.Get(context);
                if (currentActivityIndex == Activities.Count)
                    //if the currentActivityIndex is equal to the count of MySequence's Activities
                    //MySequence is complete
                if (this.onChildComplete == null)
                    //on completion of the current child, have the runtime call back on this method
                    this.onChildComplete = new CompletionCallback(InternalExecute);
                //grab the next Activity in MySequence.Activities and schedule it
                Activity nextChild = Activities[currentActivityIndex];
                context.ScheduleActivity(nextChild, this.onChildComplete);
                //increment the currentIndex
                this.currentIndex.Set(context, ++currentActivityIndex);

Implementieren eines Workflowclients

  1. Erstellen Sie ein neues Konsolenanwendungsprojekt mit dem Namen Client.

  2. Fügen Sie Verweise auf die folgenden Assemblys hinzu:

    1. System.Activities

    2. System.ServiceModel

    3. System.ServiceModel.Activities

  3. Öffnen Sie die generierte Datei Program.cs, und fügen Sie eine statische Methode mit dem Namen GetClientWorkflow hinzu, um den Clientworkflow zu erstellen.

    static Activity GetClientWorkflow()
                Variable<string> echoString = new Variable<string>();
                // Define the endpoint
                Endpoint clientEndpoint = new Endpoint
                    Binding = new BasicHttpBinding(),
                    AddressUri = new Uri("https://localhost:8080/Service")
                // Configure the Send activity used to send a message
                Send echoRequest = new Send
                    Endpoint = clientEndpoint,
                    ServiceContractName = XName.Get("IService", "http://tempuri.org"),
                    OperationName = "Echo",
                    Content = new SendParametersContent()
                        Parameters = { { "echoString", new InArgument<string>("Hello, World") } } 
                // Place the Send activity in a SendInstanceIdScope. This hooks up the ISendMessageCallback 
                // implementation to the client workflow.
                return new SendInstanceIdScope
                    Variables = { echoString },
                    Activities =
                        new CorrelationScope
                            Body = new Sequence
                                Activities = 
                                    // Send the request message
                                   // Receive the reply from the service
                                    new ReceiveReply
                                        Request = echoRequest,
                                        Content = new ReceiveParametersContent
                                            Parameters = { { "result", new OutArgument<string>(echoString) } }
                        new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>( (e) => "Received Text: " + echoString.Get(e) ) },                    
  4. Fügen Sie der Main()-Methode den folgenden Hostcode hinzu.

    static void Main(string[] args)
       Activity workflow = GetClientWorkflow();
       Console.WriteLine("Press [ENTER] to exit");


Im Folgenden finden Sie eine vollständige Auflistung des in diesem Thema verwendeten Quellcodes.

    // ReceiveInstanceIdScope.cs
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    namespace Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext.Service
        public sealed class ReceiveInstanceIdScope : NativeActivity
            Collection<Activity> children;
            Collection<Variable> variables;
            Variable<int> currentIndex;
            CompletionCallback onChildComplete;
            public ReceiveInstanceIdScope()
                : base()
                this.children = new Collection<Activity>();
                this.variables = new Collection<Variable>();
                this.currentIndex = new Variable<int>();
            public Collection<Activity> Activities
                    return this.children;
            public Collection<Variable> Variables
                    return this.variables;
            protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
                //call base.CacheMetadata to add the Activities and Variables to this activity's metadata
                //add the private implementation variable: currentIndex 
            protected override void Execute(
                NativeActivityContext context)
                context.Properties.Add("ReceiveInstanceIdCallback", new ReceiveInstanceIdCallback());
                InternalExecute(context, null);
            void InternalExecute(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance instance)
                //grab the index of the current Activity
                int currentActivityIndex = this.currentIndex.Get(context);
                if (currentActivityIndex == Activities.Count)
                    //if the currentActivityIndex is equal to the count of MySequence's Activities
                    //MySequence is complete
                if (this.onChildComplete == null)
                    //on completion of the current child, have the runtime call back on this method
                    this.onChildComplete = new CompletionCallback(InternalExecute);
                //grab the next Activity in MySequence.Activities and schedule it
                Activity nextChild = Activities[currentActivityIndex];
                context.ScheduleActivity(nextChild, this.onChildComplete);
                //increment the currentIndex
                this.currentIndex.Set(context, ++currentActivityIndex);
    // ReceiveInstanceIdScope.cs
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activities;
    namespace Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext.Service
        class ReceiveInstanceIdCallback : IReceiveMessageCallback
            public const string HeaderName = "InstanceIdHeader";
            public const string HeaderNS = "http://Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext";
            public void OnReceiveMessage(System.ServiceModel.OperationContext operationContext, System.Activities.ExecutionProperties activityExecutionProperties)
                    Guid instanceId = operationContext.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetHeader<Guid>(HeaderName, HeaderNS);
                    Console.WriteLine("Received a message from a workflow with instanceId = {0}", instanceId);
                catch (MessageHeaderException)
                    Console.WriteLine("This message must not be from a workflow.");
    // Service.cs
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System;
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.Statements;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activities;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    namespace Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext.Service
        class Program
            const string addr = "https://localhost:8080/Service";
            static XName contract = XName.Get("IService", "http://tempuri.org");
            static void Main(string[] args)
                string addr = "https://localhost:8080/Service";
                using (WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost(GetServiceWorkflow()))
                    host.AddServiceEndpoint(contract, new BasicHttpBinding(), addr);
                    Console.WriteLine("Service waiting at: " + addr);
                    Console.WriteLine("Press [ENTER] to exit");
            static Activity GetServiceWorkflow()
                Variable<string> echoString = new Variable<string>();
                Receive echoRequest = new Receive
                    CanCreateInstance = true,
                    ServiceContractName = contract,
                    OperationName = "Echo",
                    Content = new ReceiveParametersContent()
                        Parameters = { { "echoString", new OutArgument<string>(echoString) } }
                return new ReceiveInstanceIdScope
                    Variables = { echoString },
                    Activities =
                        new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>( (e) => "Received: " + echoString.Get(e) ) },
                        new SendReply
                            Request = echoRequest,
                            Content = new SendParametersContent()
                                Parameters = { { "result", new InArgument<string>(echoString) } } 
    // SendInstanceIdCallback.cs
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activities;
    using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
    namespace Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext.Client
        class SendInstanceIdCallback : ISendMessageCallback
            public const string HeaderName = "InstanceIdHeader";
            public const string HeaderNS = "http://Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext";
            public Guid InstanceId { get; set; }
            public void OnSendMessage(System.ServiceModel.OperationContext operationContext)
                operationContext.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader(HeaderName, HeaderNS, this.InstanceId));
    // SendInstanceIdScope.cs
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    namespace Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext.Client
        public sealed class SendInstanceIdScope : NativeActivity
            Collection<Activity> children;
            Collection<Variable> variables;
            Variable<int> currentIndex;
            CompletionCallback onChildComplete;
            public SendInstanceIdScope()
                : base()
                this.children = new Collection<Activity>();
                this.variables = new Collection<Variable>();
                this.currentIndex = new Variable<int>();
            public Collection<Activity> Activities
                    return this.children;
            public Collection<Variable> Variables
                    return this.variables;
            protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
                //call base.CacheMetadata to add the Activities and Variables to this activity's metadata
                //add the private implementation variable: currentIndex 
            protected override void Execute(
                NativeActivityContext context)
                context.Properties.Add("SendInstanceIdCallback", new SendInstanceIdCallback() { InstanceId = context.WorkflowInstanceId });
                InternalExecute(context, null);
            void InternalExecute(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance instance)
                //grab the index of the current Activity
                int currentActivityIndex = this.currentIndex.Get(context);
                if (currentActivityIndex == Activities.Count)
                    //if the currentActivityIndex is equal to the count of MySequence's Activities
                    //MySequence is complete
                if (this.onChildComplete == null)
                    //on completion of the current child, have the runtime call back on this method
                    this.onChildComplete = new CompletionCallback(InternalExecute);
                //grab the next Activity in MySequence.Activities and schedule it
                Activity nextChild = Activities[currentActivityIndex];
                context.ScheduleActivity(nextChild, this.onChildComplete);
                //increment the currentIndex
                this.currentIndex.Set(context, ++currentActivityIndex);
    // Client.cs
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System;
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.Statements;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activities;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    namespace Microsoft.Samples.AccessingOperationContext.Client
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Activity workflow = GetClientWorkflow();
                Console.WriteLine("Press [ENTER] to exit");
            static Activity GetClientWorkflow()
                Variable<string> echoString = new Variable<string>();
                Endpoint clientEndpoint = new Endpoint
                    Binding = new BasicHttpBinding(),
                    AddressUri = new Uri("https://localhost:8080/Service")
                Send echoRequest = new Send
                    Endpoint = clientEndpoint,
                    ServiceContractName = XName.Get("IService", "http://tempuri.org"),
                    OperationName = "Echo",
                    Content = new SendParametersContent()
                        Parameters = { { "echoString", new InArgument<string>("Hello, World") } } 
                return new SendInstanceIdScope
                    Variables = { echoString },
                    Activities =
                        new CorrelationScope
                            Body = new Sequence
                                Activities = 
                                    new ReceiveReply
                                        Request = echoRequest,
                                        Content = new ReceiveParametersContent
                                            Parameters = { { "result", new OutArgument<string>(echoString) } }
                        new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>( (e) => "Received Text: " + echoString.Get(e) ) },                    

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Siehe auch


Zugreifen auf OperationContext


Erstellen von Workflows mit imperativem Code

Weitere Ressourcen

Workflow Services Samples (WF)